Jul 11Liked by Brucha Weisberger

Cash Asher wrote about the exploits of Morris Fishbein – a circus acrobat without a medical degree that became head gangster at the AMA. https://archive.org/search?query=creator%3A%22Cash+Asher%22. Interesting recent expose on Flexner: Nevins, Michael, 2010. Abraham Flexner: A Flawed American Icon

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Input about the need to be exposed to healthy sunlight needs to be balanced with a clear understanding, that our air is contaminated with a cocktail of toxins/chemicals/whatever, which sunlight burns into our skins with unknown consequences.

That said, many who are apparently well informed, still claim that large doses of sunlight on bare skin are essential for optimum health.

Extended exposure to sunlight in the past led to a healthy tan for me.

Even limited exposure today can lead to nasty "sunburn" or perhaps "chemburn"

Healthy sun exposure today may be a limited option for some.

Perhaps Vitamin D supplements are a possibility.

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Vitamin D can be useful, but use caution on which kind you take. Only Vit. D from whole foods like pure algae. Most Vit. D is a chemical synthetic soup and will do more harm than good.

This fallen world is so tragically fallen.

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Excellent disclosure of factual truths!

So grateful this type of science is being shared outside an independent book written and subsequently buried!!

Bring on the occulted knowledge hidden or obscured for ages... Occult is simply hidden knowledge aftterall

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Morris Fishbein also attacked Dr. Max Gerson, famous for the 'Gerson Therapy' after he testified in Congress in 1946 with case histories of his successful alternative work in curing cancer. First, Fishbein attacked the hospital director Dr. Gerson worked under in NYC's Gotham Hospital, on the grounds he was not an M.D. - interesting criticism coming from a past circus acrobat who also lacked an M.D. degree. Compared to (the hospital director) Miley's testimony, Gerson’s was innocent, concentrating on the histories of the patients he brought with him and on the likely mechanisms whereby his diet caused tumor regression and healing. Only under pressure from Senator Pepper did Gerson state that about 30% of those he treated showed a favorable response (U.S. Congress, 1946, 115). Nonetheless, JAMA devoted two pages to undermining Gerson’s integrity (JAMA, 1946). Showing no restraint where Gerson was concerned, Fishbein, contrary to fact, alleged that successes with the Gerson-Sauerbruch-Hermannsdorfer diet “were apparently not susceptible of duplication by most other observers. ” He also falsely claimed that Gerson had several times refused to supply the AMA with details of the diet. [https://gerson-research.org/research/history-gerson-therapy-contract-report-prepared-u-s-office-technology-assessment/].

The cases that Dr. Gerson presented at the hearing were so compelling that renowned ABC news broadcaster Raymond Gram Swing, present at the testimony, went on his national radio broadcast that night and announced to the entire nation that a cure for cancer had been discovered. The public response to this broadcast was staggering as people called into ABC to ask about this hopeful treatment. Two weeks later Raymond was fired after more than 30 years of employment with ABC. [It was this broadcast that caused him to be fired soon afterward. Tobacco was both a major AMA and national radio sponsor. They didn't like the correlation: http://raleightime.com/gerson-library/video/HYHTW-swing-radio.mp4.

Unfortunately the dark forces of medicine were also listening and from that point on Dr. Gerson became a marked and censured man and the Pepper-Neely Anticancer Bill (document # 8947 of the United States archives - later removed from the records archives!) was defeated by four senators who were medical doctors.

Over the next 13 years, Dr. Gerson would lose his membership privileges to the New York State Medical Society, be prohibited from publishing his work in peer-reviewed medical journals and, ultimately, murdered by a likely medical and pharmaceutical industry pawn (or mole!) more interested in preserving vast pharmaceutical profits than curing a dying and suffering humanity.

He was tested positive for arsenic poisoning right before his death in 1959. (This was the second time he was poisoned with arsenic. The first time was just a few years earlier, probably by the same secretary who also toyed with the editing of his monumental 'Cancer Therapy' manuscript, and eventually disappeared with the only extant copy. Dr. Gerson later committed himself to recreating it, and a revision was finally published in 1958. [https://historyheist.com/glossary/gerson-max/], [http://whale.to/b/gerson.html], [https://archive.org/details/gerson-haught-s-j-dr-max-gerson-censured-for-curing-cancer-1962/mode/2up]. Incidentally, his alternative rehab clinic where his death was declared, was in Nanuet, New York, in Rockland County, just a mile or two down the road from the dark headquarters of big, bad Pfizer. (The large campus was then the equally notorious Lederle Labs).

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I wonder if you’d do a deep dive on the rabies vaccine? Unbekoming did an article on it but I don’t know how I feel about it being an in-your-head disease when there are young kids that die from it, or of something with rabies symptoms. Or what about that young girl who survived because of that induced coma + cocktail—she wasn’t concerned of rabies when holding the injured bat and I don’t think had a second thought about it but then showed some sort of symptoms if I recall correctly, but I could be totally wrong. It does use the aborted fetal cell lines. I wonder if the immunoglobulin would be enough, but then those are made form collective blood plasma and then you get the whole contaminated blood supply issue. I emailed the Dissolving Illusions site and they said they hadn’t researched that vaccine.

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I’ve been wondering about it too. In particular because I know someone whose young relative got a cancer that’s unheard-of for their age bracket, several years after a rabies vaccine - and the doctor said that the tumor had been growing for a number of years. My contact knows ANOTHER young person who just finished her cancer treatment, who’d gotten the rabies vaccine too, at the same time.

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Perhaps people fair best in their natural habitats? Like for me, the overcast skies of England, instead of the southern united states where darker skinned people lived.

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I had acne when I was a teenager and part of the standard treatment for teenage acne then was the “light room”, essentially an above the neck tanning booth turned all the way up to High for about 3 or 4 minutes. I wore protective eye goggles and shortly resembled a raccoon with my mild sunburn. This treatment, along with tetracycline and other topical treatments, went on monthly for over 2 years. At 67 my current dermatologist believes this teenage light room experience may be responsible for my current basil cell carcinoma located exclusively on my face. So much to unpack, relearn, unlearn in our world.

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