Amish children are generally very healthy.

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Agreed, though there are issues in using them as a control group as they also don't eat a lot of processed foods, are minimally exposed to EMF's, and spend more time outdoors doing physically challenging activities. If the CDC were interested in doing vax-unvax studies they would involve matched cohorts. Of course, the likelihood of them doing any of these studies invites a "pigs flying" comparison.

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The Control Group study covered 48 States, most of which have no Amish at all. And because of the methods by which participants were gleaned, (social media, radio, etc.) it's unlikely Amish people ever even heard about the study.

It's actually a very reliable scientific method to remove the suspected cause and see what happens. When removal of this one variable of interest ameliorates the problem/s (almost entirely solves them all) it's logical to presume the suspected cause was, in fact, the primary cause.

Surely there are other things that can be done to optimize the health of the 2.64% of entirely unvaccinated who do have (mostly only very mild) conditions. However, until we stop intentionally causing over 90% of the health problems suffered by all Americans (via injections) dealing with all of the other potential health threats is like rearranging chairs on the Titanic.

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Awesome coverage! THANK YOU!

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Thank you so much for your amazing work!

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Thank you for sharing such a vital study. I was aware of the vaccine issues back in the late 90s when my kids were little, and it's like a miracle to see the truth finally breaking through the barrier of suppression and narrative control. With so many dedicated truth-tellers, we are destined to overturn this travesty of lies.

I've added this article to a curation of more than 500 reports. Researchers and truth-tellers, you can access organized references here:


Substack articles broken out by sub-category:

Vaccines Part 1: Corruption, Concealment, Fraud


Vaccines Part 2: Evidence & Research


Vaccines Part 3: Vax Manufacturers Not Held Liable for Products


Vaccines Part 4: Reports by Vaccine Type


Vaccines Part 5: Counter-Narratives and The History of Smallpox Vaccination That We Haven't Been Told


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Wow, this is wonderful! Thank you!

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This is great. I began a deep dive years ago & should have kept my info (particularly as many *poof* would disappear as I was researching [I began keeping screenshots & prints]), but with various house moves, most list. Good work!

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Do I ever know what you’re talking about! Ive had the same experience. I’ve been a book buyer and an internet sleuth for decades so I’ve seen things get harder to find in different ways as they use various techniques for suppression. It’s a huge relief to see the truth now bursting out at the seams… Covid actually helped immeasurably in waking up professionals, thereby making more available online.

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Thank you Brucha. Always appreciate your articles.

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IYH hodu leHashem ki tov ki leolam chasdo

TubeShevat miracle :D

US Senate Confirms Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Health Secretary !

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If nothing else of value came out of the covid scam, at least more and more parents are taking a hard look at the damage done to their children by childhood vaccines, and they are saying "mo more."

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Big pHARMA, Pharmacists and Doctors are all complicit in Crimes Against Humanity. Perhaps 1,000,000 criminals are involved in the Insane Inoculation against a modified common cold. When the GoF product failed to deliver, Hospital protocols and eventually mRNA Bioweapons. There should be hell to pay for all of them. #DepopulateTheDepopulators

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IYH B"H" For righteous women like Brucha Weisberger


### TL;DR:

A study of 47,155 Florida Medicaid children found vaccinated kids had significantly higher odds of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) like autism, ADHD, and epilepsy, with risks rising as the number of vaccination visits increased.

### TL;DRs for Different Audiences:

- **Parents:** Vaccinated kids in this study had higher odds of autism and ADHD, especially if born preterm or received many vaccines.

- **Healthcare Providers:** Consider monitoring neurodevelopment in vaccinated preemies, but don’t halt vaccinations without more evidence.

- **Policy Makers:** Study suggests reevaluating vaccine schedules for high-risk groups, but results need replication.

- **Researchers:** Observational data point to dose-response links between vaccines and NDDs—biological studies are needed.

### Critical Perspective:

- The study uses limited Medicaid data; results are correlational and may overstate risks. The findings raise concerns but should be interpreted with caution due to significant limitations.

### Application:

The research addresses the controversy over whether the expanded childhood vaccination schedule contributes to rising NDD rates. It uses Medicaid claims data to test if vaccinations (especially in preterm infants) correlate with NDD diagnoses like autism.

### Unexpected Findings:

- Vaccinated preemies had 3.58x higher odds of NDDs than unvaccinated preemies (e.g., 39.9% vs. 15.7% diagnosed).

- **Rationale:** Preemies may be more vulnerable to vaccine-related harm, yet they follow the same vaccination schedule as full-term infants.

- 11+ vaccination visits linked to 4.4x higher autism risk compared to unvaccinated children.

- **Rationale:** Suggests cumulative exposure to vaccines (or their components) may exacerbate neurological risks.

### Key Terms:

- **Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDDs):** Conditions affecting brain development, such as autism, ADHD, epilepsy, or learning disabilities.

- **Odds Ratio (OR):** A measure of association between two factors (e.g., vaccination and NDDs). An OR >1 means higher odds; e.g., OR 3.12 means vaccinated children were 3.12x more likely to have an NDD.

- **Preterm Birth:** Delivery before 37 weeks gestation, linked to higher NDD risks.

- **Medicaid Claims Data:** Health insurance records tracking diagnoses, procedures, and medications for low-income populations.

### Methodology:

- **Approach:**

- **Cross-sectional analysis for Aims 1-2:** Compared NDD rates in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated 9-year-olds.

- **Retrospective cohort study for Aim 3:** Tracked vaccination visit counts (ages 0–5) and ASD diagnoses (ages 5–9).

- **Data Source:** Florida Medicaid claims (2000–2011), including 47,155 children.

- **Problem-Solving Techniques:**

- Used comprehensive vaccine codes (CPT, ICD-9, NDC) to minimize misclassification.

- Adjusted for age, gender, and race; excluded congenital anomalies.

### Results and Evaluation:

- **Key Findings:**

- Vaccinated children had 2.7–6.8x higher odds of NDDs (e.g., autism: OR 2.7; epilepsy: OR 5.2).

- Preemies who were vaccinated had 3.58x higher NDD odds than unvaccinated preemies.

- ASD risk rose with vaccination visits: 1 visit → 1.7x risk; 11+ visits → 4.4x risk.

- **Quantitative Results:**

| NDD Type | Vaccinated (%) | Unvaccinated (%) | Odds Ratio (95% CI) |


| Autism | 2.6 | 0.9 | 2.7 (2.4–3.1) |

| ADHD | 14.5 | 8.4 | 5.2 (4.6–5.9) |

| Epilepsy | 4.1 | 2.2 | 5.2 (4.2–6.4) |

- **Notable Achievements:**

- First large-scale study to link vaccination dose and NDDs in Medicaid enrollees.

- Highlighted preterm infants as a high-risk group for vaccine-related harm.

### Practical Deployment and Usability:

- **Real-World Applicability:** Could inform vaccination policies for high-risk groups (e.g., preemies). However, results should not deter vaccination without further evidence.

- **Ease of Use:** Findings are actionable for policymakers but require cautious interpretation due to study limitations.

### Limitations, Assumptions, and Caveats:

- **Medicaid Data Limitations:** Potential coding errors or missing vaccination records (e.g., vaccines given outside Medicaid).

- **Observational Design:** Cannot prove causation; correlations may reflect confounding factors (e.g., socioeconomic status).

- **Funding Source:** Study funded by NVIC.org, an anti-mandatory-vaccination group, raising potential bias concerns.

### Promises and Horizons:

- **Future Research:** Investigate biological mechanisms (e.g., vaccine ingredients, genetic predispositions) and conduct randomized trials in high-risk groups.

- **Policy Implications:** May prompt reevaluation of vaccination schedules for preemies or phased introduction of vaccines.

### Conflict of Interest:

- **Funding Source:** National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC.org), which opposes mandatory vaccinations. This could influence study design or interpretation, though authors claim no direct conflict.

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Thank you!

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So very important, as RFKJr has highlighted, to produce Gold Standard Research. Repeatable and Peer Reviewed. Nothing less in the global picture will save the lives of EVERY vulnerable group of society… our children and grandchildren, the aging, elderly and All in between! No one left behind, each important in Unity Consciousness.

International Collaboration of similar minds, will likely be beneficial to prevent destruction of your massive healing mission. Otherwise there will be the continued overwhelming pressure, which has capitulated far too many doctors and other health care providers, to obstruct, and take monetary donations for precious lives lost.

With appreciation, hope and love.

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I hate this image

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