Measles fear hype got you wondering? Here is a comprehensive analysis of the situation.
Study their scare=vaccinate playbook and you’ll understand. It doesn’t vary much. But parents deserve to know the risks of the measles vaccine, too.
As humans, we are not capable of eradicating sickness, suffering, and death in this world. We can and must try our best to minimize them, of course. Advances in supplying adequate nutrition, sanitation, and clean water are foundational to good health and have brought the greatest reduction in illness and premature death of any other modern-day interventions. They are common-sense. However, any wide scale administration of unnaturally-occurring, scientifically manufactured “public health” interventions must be evaluated with great caution to know whether they bring more harm than good. Trading one set of sickness and suffering for a worse set obviously does nobody any good, except those whose pockets it lines.
It is disingenuous and immoral for the manufacturers and promoters of measles vaccines to give the false impression that the vaccines are without grave risks, and that the vaccines are responsible for the drastic decline in measles deaths. That vast drop happened beforehand, and the diseases for which there is no vaccine vanished at the same time.
Here are some measles vaccine risks - but this only shows the very tip of the iceberg:
There are 572 cases of death after measles vaccines reported on VAERS, the CDC’s own reporting site, which has been shown in a study to capture only about 1% of the true rate of adverse events. Do the math.
There are 11,702 cases of serious adverse events reported after measles vaccines on VAERS. Again, do the math.
When is the last time a child who died after the measles vaccine was reported in mainstream news?
Isn’t that unfair? Don’t parents deserve to learn the risks of both options so that they can make an informed decision?
Last week, Nicolas Hulscher penned a very enlightening piece on the tragedy blanketing the news, Pharma-Sponsored Media Launches Measles Fear Campaign Based on Distorted Science: Media-driven panic over measles ignores real risks, natural disease patterns, and the role of vaccine shedding.
My writing and his are interspersed here but his pieces have a brown sidebar to the left.
Excerpts from Nicolas Hulscher’s article:
A recent report on the first U.S. measles death in the current outbreak highlights a major issue with media-driven fear campaigns. The report does not specify measles as the cause of death but simply states that the individual "tested positive" for the virus.
…. this case must undergo a full and independent review to determine the true cause of death.
It appears that the primary purpose of this fear campaign is to sow distrust in the new HHS administration and increase MMR vaccine uptake. Gao et al demonstrated that higher public fear = higher vaccine uptake:
Somehow, I get the distinct feeling that the goal is vaccine uptake, not actual health. Getting people vaccinated seems to be an end into itself. Why is that?
Yes, children will get childhood illnesses. Does that mean that we will have a healthier society if we can vaccinate children against every childhood illness? This premise, which underlies the “well visits” the last few generations have grown up on, is now debunked, as America’s children are sicker than ever. We have replaced short-term childhood illnesses with long-term chronic illnesses and disabilities, and multiple other life-threatening illnesses, which are far worse. And no, the vaccine program has not saved lives, as data - for anyone who cares to look it up - shows that the fatality rate from the childhood diseases had bottomed out before the vaccines were introduced. Yes, cases have declined - but at what a terrible expense in terms of health and functioning. We have exchanged a tiny percentage of adverse events associated with measles, etc, for a larger percentage of adverse effects, often lifelong and sometimes deadly, such as autoimmune diseases, neurological disabilities, and childhood cancers, brought on by vaccines. I have written extensively on my substack about the harms caused by all vaccines, and there is more information further down.
In this article, we will examine what the true rate of measles adverse events and deaths are according to government data from the CDC and from England before the measles vaccine became available, and expose the media psy-ops that you are seeing. We will discuss treatment for measles, and also cover the troubling likelihood that measles death reports are orchestrated to create fear and promote vaccination.
We know from the CDC that by 1963, before the measles vaccine rollout, the fatality rate for measles in the US had dropped to 1 in 10,000.
The sharp drop in fatality is clearly the result of improved childhood nutrition - in countries where children are still malnourished, sadly, the mortality rate is still higher.
So, why do most people believe that measles is more dangerous than it actually is?
Well, of course, that is what government-pharma-media wants us to believe.
Another excerpt from Nicolas’s article:
A google search for ‘measles’ reveals the coordinated fear campaign propagated by pharma-sponsored mass media:
Does this remind you of anything we’ve been through recently?
Nicolas brings data from England which is very similar data to the US data:
A study by Miller, published in England using data from 1963—prior to the introduction of the measles vaccine—found a hospitalization rate of 11.5 per 1,000 cases and a mortality rate of 0.2 per 1,000 cases.
That means that in England before the measles vaccine rollout, only 2 in 10,000 measles cases would result in fatality.
In comparison, seasonal influenza has a hospitalization rate of 10–20 per 1,000 cases and a mortality rate of 0.5–2 per 1,000 cases.
So the flu is more dangerous than measles and can be up to 10 times as deadly.
As we asked during covid, are there treatments for measles? Yes! For example, high dose Vitamin A has been clinically proven to drastically reduce deaths and complications:
Dr. Syed Haider MD has published a treatment protocol for measles along the lines of the covid protocols which saved so many from hospitalization and death. Dr. Haider explains why in addition to high dose Vitamin A (retinol), ivermectin and nitazoxanide should be very effective treatments for measles.
More information on treatments in quotes by pediatrician Liz Mumper further on.
Another part from Nicolas:
Additionally, prior research summarized in the extensively referenced book Dissolving Illusions by Bystrianyk and Humphries indicates that measles-related deaths in children are overwhelmingly linked to malnutrition and vitamin A deficiency.
I cannot help but ask, why aren’t effective treatments being used whenever someone is sick with measles?
In case you’re thinking the vaccine provides the whole answer - how well does the measles vaccine work?
Measles outbreaks occur every year across the United States despite 90.8% MMR vaccine uptake:
What is really going on with the “measles outbreak” in Texas?
I have a multiple reasons to suspect that we’re not being told the whole truth:
•Real statistics on measles mortality in developed countries show a very different picture than the frightening ideas we’ve been led to believe. If the CDC tells us that in the US leading up to 1963, only 1 in 10,000 children who contracted measles died, what’s going wrong now?
•There is a report (which I cannot confirm) that now, children in Texas who present to the hospital already ill with a high fever are being given the measles vaccine at that time - which is a recipe for disaster.
•In 2020, we experienced many hospital murders caused by lack of proper treatment and conversely, administration of deadly treatment. These primed the way for acceptance of a vaccine based on fear. G-d help us that this should not recur. Parents must be vigilant.
•Do you remember the clip of Dr. Peter Hotez talking about (threatening?) “big picture stuff coming down the pike starting on January 21st,” then naming measles amongst eleven illnesses that he said “will come crashing down on the Trump Administration”? Here is the clip:
•There was a very troubling, tragic story in 2019 in Samoa in which there was a measles “outbreak,” with many child measles deaths immediately following a mass measles vaccine campaign, and that episode raises frightening questions in my mind about possible current malevolent players in Texas. I have seen reports stating that a mass MMR vaccination campaign in Texas immediately preceded the current “outbreak.”
•Since, apparently, PCR testing, which is known to be highly unreliable , especially when set at a high cycle threshold, is being used to diagnose the “measles” cases, how do we know that the patients truly have measles? In fact, it is highly likely that, if anything, MMR vaccine RNA is showing up on the PCR test.
Irregularities in Texas
Please note, that while Dr. Syed Haider raises the idea that the child who tragically passed away may have received an MMR vaccine while already sick, Dr. Henry Ealy states in his video posted on X (link above) that he has information that the child did not receive the shot. However, Dr. Ealy calls into serious question the child’s measles diagnosis, which was made by PCR test. The Texas HHS refused to disclose the cycle threshold that the PCR was run at. We already know that, above a certain cycle threshold, the tests are beyond worthless. (Truly, PCR is not meant to be used for diagnosis in the first place.) Dr. Ealy notes that the child had pneumonia and RSV and could not be saved despite the ICU team’s best efforts.
The Defender published an important article on the Texas tragedy last week.
Here are excerpts:
Texas Reports Death of Child Who Tested Positive for Measles, But Releases Few Details
Texas today reported the death of a child who had measles. Health officials didn’t provide the child’s age, sex, overall health and what, if any treatment, the child received. Local health practitioners expressed concern about vaccinating children who have measles symptoms, noting that the product label for Merck’s MMR vaccine warns against it.
Dr. Ben Edwards, a family practitioner in the Lubbock area who was not directly involved in the child’s case, told The Defender he received text messages today about the case.
A nurse practitioner in West Texas told Edwards in a text message that she is concerned that the child may have been “treated” with a measles vaccine while exhibiting symptoms of measles because practitioners in the area were directed to give a measles vaccine to children who have a measles infection.
“Apparently, they are telling people to do that, even when symptomatic,” Edwards said.
Vaccinating a sick child could have negative results, he said.
“The mitochondria is already struggling when you’re ill,” Edwards said. “It’s even harder to mount that defense against an acute toxic load that the vaccine brings in.”
Edwards was inclined to take Texas DSHS at their word when they said the child was unvaccinated against measles.
Nonetheless, he said, it would be important to find out if the child who died — who may have been unvaccinated before getting measles — was given a measles vaccine as a treatment for the infection.
Dr. Liz Mumper, a pediatrician, said it is “very uncommon” for a child to die from a measles infection in developed countries such as the U.S. that have access to clean water and good sanitation systems.
“I eagerly await details about age, prior state of health and circumstances of the reported death before jumping to conclusions. My condolences to the family who must be devastated,” she said.
In an earlier interview with The Defender, Mumper explained that effective treatments for measles include vitamin A in high doses and attention to hydration status.
“Many natural methods to help the body fight viruses, like extra vitamin D and vitamin C are effective but not widely recommended by mainstream medicine,” she added.
Physicians for Informed Consent recently released a new collection of documents showing there’s no proof the MMR vaccine is safer than a measles, mumps or rubella infection.
CHD Senior Research Scientist Karl Jablonowski said the reports of the death provide little information and raise important questions. “Now is the time for transparency.”
Jablonowski said:
“Did the child die with measles or from measles? How many measles strains are circulating in Texas, and are any of them from the vaccine itself?
Measles Killing in Samoa in 2019
Was a “deadly measles outbreak” in 2019 orchestrated for evil purposes? You decide:
Dr. Ah Kahn Syed’s article titled, The Killing Fields of Samoa, gives plenty of clues about suspected mass murder in Samoa:
April 2019 - MMR relaunched in Samoa after a pause on the vaccination program in 2018 after two vaccine-related deaths of children. The vaccine program was poorly received by the Samoan population and uptake was low.
1st Oct 2019 - UNICEF delivered 135,000 doses of measles vaccines to Fiji, 110,500 doses of measles vaccines to Samoa (as well as supplies of vitamin A) and 12,000 doses of measles vaccines to Tonga
18th Oct 2019 - Samoa declares a measles outbreak.
24th Oct 2019 - Tonga declares a measles outbreak.
7th Nov 2019 - Fiji declares a measles outbreak (archive here)
15th Nov 2019 - State of emergency declared in Samoa after 1000 cases and 15 deaths (of which 14 were children under five)
So there are two aspects to the devastating and fatal Samoa outbreak:
Why did a measles outbreak occur in 3 neighbouring islands at the same time, just weeks after a delivery of UNICEF vaccines to those very islands?
Why did the death rate in the Samoan outbreak reach such high levels far in excess of what would be expected in a country with access to healthcare?
Well for (1) it is clear that the vaccine wasn’t effective at preventing the outbreaks, which means that either the measles vaccines don’t work (not just the current one they provided but those from the years prior that were supposed to give herd immunity) - or there was a new strain of measles introduced that was not covered by the vaccines.
For (2) it is reasonably clear from reports on the ground that there were major issues getting hold of medical treatments for those affected. It’s really worth watching this episode of The Highwire from Dec 2019 which gives a very different view of the situation than the government and WHO reported.
The takeaway from reports in Samoa at the time was that basic medical care, including Vitamin A, Vitamin C and other supportive measures, was denied to the children of Samoa. It is almost as if it was necessary that a lot of children died to promote a narrative that then required government intervention “to sort out the problem”. To be clear, those children didn’t need to die. They died because the government needed to convince the population that they were in charge and dissent was not allowed. Governments do this.
In any case the desired intervention came swiftly in early December.
Isn’t this just the same scenario we have seen over the last 3 years?
A viral outbreak suspiciously appears
Repurposed and safe drugs (including vitamins) are denied as adjunctive treatment to people who would likely benefit from them at zero risk
The vaccine people come along to pretend to save the day (and likely make the situation worse because vaccinating the population during an outbreak is usually a really bad idea)
Social media nudge units move into action to denigrate anybody suggesting anything other than what BigPharma and BigGovt suggest as the solution, then many more people die than should have.
I will take this opportunity to point out that these nudge units are insidious. They are the dark side of science and medicine and whilst they are allowed to do what they do, often sponsored by governments (as a means to coercive control of the population), people will continue to be forced into medical interventions in a way that is no different to that of Nazi Germany. The result has been an excessive level of death around the world and I want to reinforce that without these parasite foot soldiers of the nudge units, many hundreds of thousands of deaths could have been prevented. I have been writing about them for over a year.
It got worse in Samoa because, once the unusual and unusually deadly measles outbreak happened, things escalated quickly. What did the Samoan government do? They mandated measles vaccination and brought in the Chinese army to help (note that any reference to the Chinese army’s presence in Samoa has been scrubbed from the internet). The population was told to put a red flag outside their house to identify them as unvaccinated. Are you getting the picture now?
Much more in Dr. Ah Khan Syed’s full article.
Remember, what was the true fatality rate of measles in the US, according to the CDC, in the decade before the measles vaccine rollout?
The answer: 1 in 10,000.
Childhood Vax Resource Library provides excellent information:
In the 1960's, before the marketing of vaccines, a family getting measles was a punch line in comedy shows. We didn't see mass hysteria with each outbreak. Instead, a TV family portrayed what real-life families encountered- surviving a short-lived illness. Today, measles is viewed to be as dangerous as ebola. What changed?
In a 1962 newspaper article, public health officials from Minnesota give advice on how to deal with measles. Notice how one of their major concerns is boredom - how to keep a child with measles occupied so they don’t get too bored. You’ll also notice that there’s not a single hint of a reason to worry.
“In the decade before 1963 when a vaccine became available, nearly all children got measles by the time they were 15 years of age. It is estimated 3 to 4 million people in the United States were infected each year. Also each year, among reported cases, an estimated 400 to 500 people died, 48,000 were hospitalized, and 1,000 suffered encephalitis (swelling of the brain) from measles.”
Simple calculations show:
👉🏻The chance of dying from measles was 0.0125% or 1 in 10,000
👉🏻The hospitalization rate was 1.2%
👉🏻And encephalitis rate was .025%
Government vital records demonstrate the decline in measles mortality by 99% before the vaccine was introduced. Here's the source - starting at page 88 you'll find the graphs.
Does a disease with a fatality rate of 1 in 10,000 warrant mass panic? Is it logical to attempt to prevent an illness which has an adverse event rate of 1.2 percent, with a vaccine which does not always work and which has an adverse event rate of at least 2.4 percent? (See the telegram group for calculations of measles vaccine AE’s.)
If you are older than 60, you surely remember measles as a childhood rite of passage, something everyone went through at one point or another - not fun, but not deadly. Similar to chicken pox - that is, if you’re over 30 and you recall getting chicken pox as something normal.
Why has measles been “catastrophized?” Does it have anything to do with Pharma having a vaccine to promote?
The propaganda is so strong that anyone who is too young to remember measles as normal, and who hasn’t researched it, couldn’t be faulted for guessing that measles has a high fatality rate. In fact, my local medical/dental clinic, there is a sign on the wall behind the check-in counter with various “codes” for staff to call out in case of grave emergencies, G-d forbid. For example, (I don’t remember which color is matched with which emergency), “Code Red” for cardiac arrest, “Code Purple” for child abduction, “Code Green” for an active shooter, and so on for bomb threats, etc. There is also a code to call for “Measles.”
Yes. THAT is how hard they are promoting the terror around measles.
Dr. Alexander Langmuir was known as the “father of infectious disease epidemiology”.
He was the director of the epidemiology branch at the CDC for over 20 years, starting in 1949. He is famously quoted as saying:
“To those who ask me, “Why do you wish to eradicate measles?,” I reply with the same answer that Hillary used when asked why he wished to climb Mt. Everest. He said, “Because it is there.”
Dr. Langmuir, what a poor reason to subject billions of children to an injection that has permanently disabled so many, and caused the deaths of many others.
Remember, we cannot guarantee health or life. We are only human. We can only investigate, make calculations, and based on this make informed choices, about what gives our children their best chances at remaining healthy. The calculations of parents who have done intense research into the censored truth have shown them that taking the risk of contracting measles is safer than taking the risk of the many health problems which are more likely to result from vaccines.
Dr. Suzanne Humphries was a “regular,” establishment doctor when she began to notice that her hospital patients were too often going into kidney failure after vaccination. She tried speaking to colleagues about the alarming trend and found herself shut down. Thus began her ostracization and her long investigation into the truth about the harms of vaccines, which she discovered was a “forbidden topic.”
Here is the link to her very important book, Dissolving Illusions (newest edition.)
Here are screenshots from the previous edition of Dr. Humphries’ book.
Notice the drastic drop in measles fatality, to almost zero, before the measles vaccine was introduced in 1963.
Please also see the description on page 338 of how in the early 1960’s, in anticipation of the measles vaccine rollout, the powers-that-be began to spread an unwarranted fear of measles.
Reporting on measles statistics nowadays fails to distinguish between countries with good nutrition and those with poor nutrition, leading all parents to believe that measles is something to be feared:
Have a look for yourself at the data that Dr. Suzanne Humphries presents in her book, and see whether it appears that the measles vaccine did anything for measles mortality:
Here’s data from England. Can you see any difference in measles deaths before and after the vaccine? I cannot.
This graph shows the drastically declining fatality rates from measles and whooping cough as well, in the United States, well before either vaccine was introduced.
And just to reinforce the point, this is Massachusetts measles mortality data from 1861 to 1970. The vaccine did nothing for measles deaths. They had already basically stopped happening.
Don’t let fear overtake you. Do your own research about proper nutrition, treatment for measles, and what all vaccines do to our bodies in terms of autoimmune diseases, neurological damage, and worse.
Why aren’t these stories ever in the news?
Yes, MMR is one of the shots given at 5 years old.
Through my extensive research and my work throughout the years, I have discovered that vaccinations are causing impaired blood flow (ischemia) to brain and body from clinically silent to death. These are strokes – across the board for all of us. I have reason to believe that all are being affected and all vaccinations ARE causing the overwhelming rise in autism, specific learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, sudden infant death, gulf war syndrome, dementia, seizure disorders, some cancers it would appear, and much much more.
-Dr. Andrew Moulden MD PhD in a 2009 interview
Derailing microscopic blood flow is the key to many diseases. Every vaccination, from infantry to adulthood, causes the same damages in you, whether you receive a diagnostic label or not. The damages are additive. Mothers being vaccinated have fetuses or breast feeding infants showing the same damages, leading to autism, within hours.
-Dr. Andrew Moulden MD, PhD
Dr. Moulden was found dead in November 2013 at age 49, under suspicious circumstances, shortly before his planned release of the treatment he had announced that he’d discovered.
My second son slept for 2 days after vaccination. I was getting concerned after 24 hours of sleep but he did open up his eyes and took a few swigs of a bottle and then fell back to sleep again. I kept him with me at all times during that period. On the 3rd day he awoke and all seemed to be well. It wasn't until I saw Dr Andrew Moulden's videos that I realized my son had had a stroke.His comparisons, thru photos, of adult stroke patients compared to those photos of children's faces were astoundingly, the same. STROKES!! in children, not something recoverable from Pharma prospectives. He was over the target and he was taken out.
-CM Maccioli
Steve Kirsch:
I recently did a survey on "overnight autism" cases and found that 33% happened 1 day after a vax shot and 50% happened within the first 3 days after a vax shot. So there is absolutely no doubt vaccines cause autism in my mind.
A Midwestern Doctor, excerpts:
Vaccine Autism Research
This section was sourced from a compilation of 224 studies that can be viewed here, the book Miller’s Critical Review of Vaccines Studies and Chapter 5 of How To End The Autism Epidemic. Of these, I believe the final book provides the most concise (but detailed)‚ summary of those mechanisms.
Much of the research on the link between vaccines and autism has focused on the following areas:
•Immune activating events being repeatedly correlated with an increased likelihood of developing neurological developmental disorders like autism.•Increased blood levels of inflammatory cytokines (e.g., “Plasma levels of IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8 were increased in children with ASD and correlated with regressive autism, as well as impaired communication and aberrant behavior”). Autistic individuals also appear to have a predisposition to developing inflammatory immune responses.
•Vaccinations creating inflammation in the brain and inflammation in the brain being linked to autism. This neurological inflammation is often chronically active in the brains of autistic individuals and appears to be most specifically linked to aluminum and the measles virus component of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. For example, the vaccine measles virus was observed to correlate to the production of autoantibodies to brain tissue, increases levels of measles antibodies were found to be significantly higher in autistic children (but not antibodies to mumps or rubella), and live measles viruses were found in immune cells of autistic children with inflammatory bowel disorders. The strongest case for the link between the measles vaccine virus and autism came from the discovery that vaccines with the measles component have triggered severe brain injury and death but those with only the mumps or rubella components have not.•The brain inflammation induced by vaccines occurs at a critical period of brain development.
•Pathologic alterations in the gut microbiome (which increases the likelihood of autoimmunity), a dysregulated immune response (which includes ones in the gastrointestinal tract and ones towards a variety of common allergens such as those within foods), along with a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms being observed in autistic individuals.
•Aluminum, an inflammatory and neurotoxic vaccine adjuvant, when injected into mice was found to rapidly trigger symptoms similar to those observed in neurological developmental disorders. Aluminum was also found to trigger a fourfold increase in brain levels of IL-6, the inflammatory cytokine most closely linked to autism.•Aluminum being found in elevated levels in the brains of autistic individuals. For example:
“The aluminium [it is spelled this way in England] content of brain tissue in autism was consistently high. The mean (standard deviation) aluminium content across all 5 individuals for each lobe were 3.82(5.42), 2.30(2.00), 2.79(4.05) and 3.82(5.17) μg/g dry wt. for the occipital, frontal, temporal and parietal lobes respectively. These are some of the highest values for aluminium in human brain tissue yet recorded and one has to question why, for example, the aluminium content of the occipital lobe of a 15 year old boy would be 8.74 (11.59) μg/g dry wt.?”
•Impairment of the blood-brain barrier being observed in autism (increased permeability of the gut barrier has also been observed).
•A dose-response relationship existing between specific vaccinations and the likelihood of autism. For example:
The average MMR coverage for the three countries fell below 90% after Dr. Wakefield’s infamous 1998 publication but started to recover slowly after 2001 until reaching over 90% coverage again by 2004. During the same time period, the average autism spectrum disorder prevalence in the United Kingdom, Norway and Sweden dropped substantially after birth year 1998 and gradually increased again after birth year 2000.
•Likewise, a dose-response relationship exists that has found autism is more likely to occur in premature infants (who effectively receive a higher dose since they are smaller) and those who receive multiple vaccinations simultaneously. For example:
No association was found between preterm birth and NDD [neurological developmental disorders] in the absence of vaccination, but vaccination was significantly associated with NDD in children born at term (OR 2.7, 95% CI: 1.2, 6.0). However, vaccination coupled with preterm birth was associated with increasing odds of NDD, ranging from 5.4 (95% CI: 2.5, 11.9) compared to vaccinated but non-preterm children, to 14.5 (95% CI: 5.4, 38.7) compared to children who were neither preterm nor vaccinated.
Note: This is also the same pattern that has been observed with vaccines causing sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
See also:
Sincere gratitude for your valuable contributions! Having become aware of vax issues in the late 90s when my kids were young, I appreciate seeing so many people telling the truths that have been suppressed for so long. It's a wonder to see real-time countering of agendas, including the tired, but long-effective, fear-mongering around infectious diseases to obtain compliance for vaccines and to strike down individual rights. I hope this means that more parents are able to make more informed decisions.
Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Sayer Ji, Children’s Health Defense and hundreds of others faced unimaginable hell for telling the truth. I hope that they're able to feel some peace in seeing that the tide has finally turned, and their messages have finally broken through.
For my part, I offer context and endeavor to lift the voices of the many truth-tellers:
MMR vaccines provoked seizures in children. Measles transmitted by the vaccinated. Get 12 essential facts. Peruse more than 100 references dating back to 1991. Easily, quickly verify source material.
Vaccine Harms: Reports by Vaccine Type
Drug & Vaccine Harms - Organized by Illness or Symptom
Can the government (HHS) sponsor some media adverts showing the deaths from measles and the deaths from shots, also showing steps to lower mortality from measles. It's the media that is keeping the narrative going. My neighbor just yesterday said shots should be mandated to achieve herd immunity. When I mentioned the dangers of aluminum, she said we are exposed to aluminum from many sources, I tried to explain injecting it and having it cross the BBB was a different kettle of fish. If she saw the facts on mainstream media, she would have a different position, because she believes in the authority of legacy news. That is why it is crucial that the media report all the facts and not cherry pick information that makes shots look far safer and efficacious than natural immunity.