Miraculous Cancer Testimonials, Recording of Interview with Researcher Randy Howe about his Lifesaving Protocol, and 246 Scientific Articles to back up his recommended treatments
Plus, fascinating bonus recording: All about using DMSO with world class expert Amandha Dawn Vollmer of yummy.doctor, who was interviewed by my friend.
Last week, we were fortunate to have a zoom meeting between cancer researcher Randy Howe, who has developed a comprehensive cancer treatment protocol with which he’s successfully helping many people, and a group of doctors and healthcare practitioners.
I started the program by telling two new miracle stories that thank G-d we’ve just experienced. I’ll share them here (links to the zoom recording, the research papers, and more, below.)
Story #1: In this wonderful success story, prayer, Valasta, Randy’s protocol, and diet were the messengers of the Creator for the complete and astonishingly rapid disappearance of a breast mass.
The saga began in March 2024 when my friend Dina had a scan and was told she had a small mass in one breast. She was extremely concerned, but didn’t want to get onto the conveyor belt of biopsy-surgery-chemo which she knew was likely to happen if she followed the well-trodden path, fueled by the “fear on steroids” injected into women in these situations.
So, with the permission of a doctor who told her it would be reasonable to try an alternative protocol for three months and then rescan, Dina put herself on a very strict diet, and used a number of cancer fighting products. (However, as she later discovered, the diet she did, and the dosages of the repurposed drugs she took then were far from ideal.) When she re-scanned two months later, the mass has indeed shrunk a little bit. At that point, Dina was immensely relieved and slacked off on some of what she’d been doing.
A couple of months ago, Dina got another scan, and to her horror, the mass had at least doubled in size.
She now had a 1.1 cm by 1.8 cm growth, which was terrifyingly close to a size that would be termed “Stage 2.”
Dina was told that she was being extremely irresponsible by not having done a biopsy. She was so frightened that she finally decided to give in and do it, but still wanted to avoid a mammogram. As Dina researched her options and searched for a provider who would do what she wished and not more, she also began a very strong anti-cancer regimen.
•Intense prayer
•Strict semi-keto diet
•High-dose Valasta
•Randy Howe’s protocol (she took 15 out of his 18 items.)
Five weeks elapsed from the scan showing the 1.1 by 1.8 cm growth until Dina was finally set to have her biopsy, and went in for a pre-biopsy scan. Except, that there was NOTHING THERE!!! The mass was absolutely and utterly GONE. It had completely disappeared. There was nothing left to biopsy. Thank G-d!!!
Here is exactly what Dina took for about a month:
•16 pumps of Valasta daily
•Everything on Randy’s protocol except for Fisetin and Claritin. (She did take the turmeric, but she only started the last few days before the scan.)
Dina stresses that prayer, prayer, prayer to G-d was the real key to the disappearance of her growth. As my Rabbi said, when medicine works, THAT is a miracle!
Dina is G-d willing continuing her strict protocol for at least 6 months, and then will get onto a maintenance protocol.
Story #2: In this wonderful success story still in progress, prayer, Valasta, and many components of Randy’s protocol were the messengers for drastic improvements and a reduction in PSA from 222 to 27.9, in a Stage 4 prostate cancer patient with mets to bone and lymph nodes.
I posted this on my WhatsApp information group for cancer treatment on January 29:
With G-d’s help I want to share with you the miraculous progress of Zev Steiner, whose wife Moriah is on our group. They currently live in a little town in northern Israel.
Towards the end of December, Moriah grew increasingly concerned about Zev, and was worriedly posting and asking for advice about his deteriorating condition on our group.
Zev had been diagnosed in November with Stage 4 prostate cancer which had already spread to his bones and to lymph nodes in his pelvis. He was scheduled for chemo and for hormone therapy but had not yet received either one.
Meanwhile, his legs swelled up, which was very worrisome.
On December 25, Zev and Moriah had a zoom consultation with Dr. Leah. Rabbi Yisroel Gefilhaus and I were present, as well. Dr. Leah gave Zev detailed instructions for repurposed medications, supplements, diet, and exercise. Zev started Valasta that very evening, and many other treatments right afterwards.
I am thrilled to share with you, with Zev and Moriah’s permission, some of my conversations with Moriah recently about how Zev is, thank G-d, doing now:
Thursday, January 16, Moriah:
Zev is doing good.
More details, Tuesday January 21, Moriah:
My husband is good. The edema in his legs is almost 100% gone. Only a little bit left near the left ankle only. The PET SCAN showed the cancer had reached the lymph nodes in his pelvis so maybe it's being eliminated there. He's very consistent with all his meds and tea and he's working out almost every day.
WOW this is really amazing news, thank G-d!!! Is he on conventional treatment at the moment?
No, he hasn't received chemo yet. He got plugged in for chemo for 5 minutes a month ago but they stopped it when they found out he hadn't gotten the hormone shot yet. It had to be ordered. They don't keep it in the pharmacy. It took about 10 days to get it. Now that he has had it the doctor wants to see how he does and how his blood work looks. The appointment is Feb 6th. He hasn't taken any standard meds and won't till he goes on chemo, according to his doctor.
Wow! When did he finally receive the hormone shot, and did you see the swelling in his legs go down before he got the hormone shot? Please let me know what treatments have been G-d’s messengers.
He saw the swelling go down before he got the hormone shot. Zev feels the messengers are the protocol. He hasn't taken doctor prescribed meds except the hormone shot.
He started taking the natural protocol the 28th of December after he received it. At that time he'd already been taking Ivermectin and Fenben from the end of November. He had the hormone shot on the 13th of January. But he'd mentioned to the doctor just before the shot that he thought the swelling in his left leg was going down. On 1/16 he noticed the other leg also starting to go down. There's a little swelling left just above the right ankle.
The natural protocol he's taking is:
Super K
High potency D3
Milk Thistle
Ultra Omega 3D fish oil
Essiac Tea
He follows a very high fat diet with Chicken, Salmon, meat, fat, cream (in coffee), eggs, butter, and sauerkraut.
Zev works out at least 5 days a week.
This is wonderful, how you gave all his treatments to me so clearly.
Can you give me the dosages of the meds he’s been on?
Ivermectin liquid- 1 ml twice a day with DMSO
Ivermectin pills - 12 mg pills twice a day
Fenbendazole - 444 mg a day
Albendazole - 3 3/4 ml twice a day.
He's only had one prescription from the oncologist and that's the hormone Fermagon. Some of the typical side effects are depression, hot flashes and loss of muscle, and thank G-d Zev hasn't experienced any of them. The consistent work outs take care of the threat of muscle wasting.
January 29 UPDATE from Moriah:
👉🏼Brucha, You asked for the latest news on Zev. His PSA blood test went from 222 to the most recent PSA 27.9.
Omg thank G-d that’s awesome!! How is he feeling? How are his legs?
His legs are great, he's motivated and positive.
Does he feel stronger and more well?
Absolutely! He's having very intense workouts. He has no nausea. Despite the cancer in his bones he says he only has pain in his lower back and it doesn't prevent him from doing anything.
Extremely important note: Moriah and I both agree that this wonderful success story in progress is really all about G-d orchestrating everything for Zev to receive these treatments all the way up in his remote northern town (a whole series of Divinely orchestrated stories in themselves) and Him MAKING the treatments WORK, which is always a miracle! Prayer and faith are the most important ingredients of all.
We look forward to continued good news from Zev and Moriah and we thank G-d, and His human messengers Dr. Leah, Randy, Rabbi Gefilhaus, and everyone else who helped contribute to this miracle.
P.S. If anyone out there wants to join in the mitzva of helping patients, please contact me.
👉🏼Here is the recording of Randy’s presentation to the doctors on January 28 (click the link below):
👉🏼Here is Randy Howe’s protocol: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRp7Kf57OYJfM3m4t56AvKQylVMhGVmrPWS9Pl8tNYLMKbndXzK0Duwebg15JdzPZLUCE3wSd7qj5XH/pub
👉🏼Here is the link to my WhatsApp group offering information and help around integrative treatments. Randy Howe is on the group answering questions about his protocol: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KeGxb1et09xJgexoGU2191
👉🏼Here is my previous article about Randy’s cancer protocol and success stories:
👉🏼Here is my article about Valasta, with dozens of testimonials plus links to access scientific information:
👉🏼👉🏼 👉🏼Here is the link to the fascinating interview for healthcare professionals that my friend did last week with Amandha Dawn Vollmer (yummy.doctor) about the unbelievable healing powers of DMSO:
One of Amandha’s slides on her DMSO presentation:
👉🏼Here are the links to 246 studies that Randy Howe has kindly shared with us, which are behind his specific protocol recommendations and are the outcome of years of his toil totaling thousands of hours.
Happy researching!
Randy Howe’s Cancer Treatment Protocol Research Links
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Albendazole inhibits colon cancer progression and…
Albendazole Sulfoxide - an overview - ScienceDirect Topics
Biomedicines - Free Full-Text - Albendazole Exhib…
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(PDF) Role of HMB in cancer cachexia
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Journal of Nutritional Oncology
Super K
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Vitamins K1 and K2- The Emerging Group of Vitamins Required for Human Health - PMC
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Melatonin in Cancer Treatment- Current Knowledge…
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Melatonin Cytotoxicity Is Associated to Warburg Effect Inhibition in Ewing Sarcoma Cells - PLOS ONE
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Omega 3
An omega-3 that's poison for tumors - ScienceDaily
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Tumours poisoned by omega-3 - UCLouvain
Cancer stem cells and Vitamin D - many studies - VitaminDWiki
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Vitamin D Effects on Cell Differentiation and Stemness in Cancer
Vitamin D- The Cancer Fighting Vitamin - Ironwoo…
Moxidectin - an overview - ScienceDirect Topics
Moxidectin - Wikipedia
Moxidectin- a review of chemistry, pharmacokinetics and use in horses - Parasites & Vectors - Full Text
Moxidectin induces autophagy arrest in colorectal cancer - Medical Oncology
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Moxidectin inhibits glioma cell viability by inducing G0-G1 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis - PMC
Moxidectin inhibits glioma cell viability by inducing G0-G1 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis - PubMed
Pharmacokinetics of oral moxidectin in individuals with Onchocerca volvulus infection - PMC
Repurposing anthelmintic agents to eradicate resistant leukemia - Blood Cancer Journal
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Fisetin- An anticancer perspective - PMC
Fisetin and Lung Health - Restorative Medicine
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Fisetin in Cancer - Encyclopedia MDPI
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Frontiers - Ivermectin has New Application in Inhibiting Colorectal Cancer Cell Growth
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Ivermectin - an overview - ScienceDirect Topics
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G-d bless you!
Brucha, what you're doing for people is absolutely wonderful! Ironically, I recently purchased Amandha Dawn Vollmer's book and I'm rereading it because it's vital to understand how to use DMSO properly and to understand the science (as much as possible) behind it. I've also done a lot more research on DMSO to better understand it for specific conditions. A naturopathic who works specifically for dogs suggested that we use DMSO on our dog's lipoma and to help his teeth. Before starting any protocol, I thought it best to better understand DMSO. I'm grateful I got the book and read it (and now rereading because there's a lot of great details especially how DMSO works and how vital it is to get dosing correct) because when using DMSO topically, the area that the DMSO is being applied to must be cleaned well and if one uses their hands to apply the DMSO, their hands must be cleaned.
DMSO is able to get into the skin and the body very deeply due to it being a solvent. When it does this, it takes with it anything that it touches. That's why it can work very well with caster oil or colloidal silver and other specific herbs, etc. In Amandha Dawn Vollmer's book, she has some recipes for how to use DMSO for specific conditions. She only listed a limited amount of recipes but there are other books that offer more recipes.
DMSO is simply fascinating to learn about but approach it with caution, knowledge, and/or the aid of someone with more knowledge. Learn about proper dosing. Amandha Dawn Vollmer speaks of how it can cause an itching sensation and/or redness for some for about 10 - 20 minutes which was very important for me to know before applying to my dog's lipoma (fatty deposit under the skin). Also, purchasing the correct DMSO is vital for safety.
Side note: a friend of mine's mother went to a holistic doctor years back (before the insanity) and he gave her DMSO IV for the cancer she had. She is cancer free. I don't know what other supplements she had.
Here are more DMSO links that might interest you and your readers:
1) Two videos with Amandha Vollmer:
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S8ZzSKyWgk&list=PL7MzGd6fNaou4KMm9zjtsLYt8o71NgHOi&index=3
VIDEO: Healing with DMSO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBOqHodFAww&list=PL7MzGd6fNaou4KMm9zjtsLYt8o71NgHOi
2) I believe this is the book Amandha Vollmer mentions in one of the videos:
3) This is the book that mentions the mongoloid child from the 1970s who's features completely changed. I've only read small portions of this book so far. This was fascinating! Also, they mention a study that was done of how DMSO helps people with Down's Syndrome.
4) I've only read pieces of this doctor's articles.
Thank you!