Part 3 Real Hope for Cancer - Valasta Testimonials
These firsthand stories are amazing and inspire tremendous hope. Since there can only be benefit, I believe that everyone who has cancer should have an opportunity to try Valasta.
Over the past two years, I have been learning of more and more people helped by a very unique astaxanthin supplement called Valasta.
Valasta is a food supplement, not a drug, and is never toxic at any dose. Valasta is very different than any other astaxanthin supplement, (it is manufactured with a patented process which makes it 500 times more powerful) and the results achieved with Valasta are not seen with other brands.
I have now collected dozens of testimonials of remarkable turnarounds in cancer patients using Valasta. All of these stories are 100% real, and the patients are known either to me or to people that I know. I took care to keep the stories completely accurate even as I omitted any identifying details, to preserve patients’ anonymity. (Since these stories were collected from the Torah-observant Jewish community internationally, and many people know lots of others, extra caution had to be taken with privacy.)
I organized the testimonials by type of cancer the people had. After the testimonials, there is a link to my previous article which has a lot of background information on Valasta.
You will see as you read through the testimonials that often, Valasta was used together with chemotherapy or other conventional therapy. I would like to take this opportunity to note that in all cancer cases, Valasta offers only potential benefit, and is never contraindicated with any other type of therapy, despite what some uneducated providers may sadly believe.
Sometimes, as you will see below, Valasta was used as part of a cocktail of alternative therapies. Other times, Valasta was used alone, without conventional therapy. Please note that I make absolutely no recommendations either for or against conventional therapy. I am simply bringing you the stories as they occurred.
Valasta does not work for everyone - there is no intervention that does. However, it’s important to know that frequently, when someone says “it didn’t work for me,” they weren’t taking a high enough dose, or didn’t give it enough time, or they weren’t taking it with food. Sometimes, when people complain that they didn’t see results - they were not even taking Valasta at all, but ordinary astaxanthin!
It is critical to know that the success rate is much higher for patients who take Valasta early on, even as they are doing chemo etc, and benefit from its protective and cancer fighting effects, so that their bodies are less damaged from the conventional treatments and the chemo is less likely to cause spread.
The stories below are organized by type of cancer. Please note that there are many, many more Valasta success stories known to people that I know personally, but I don’t have enough details to include them. For example, Rabbi Yisroel Gefilhaus in Antwerp described to me many patients he was personally involved in helping who used Valasta either together with chemo and became cancer free in a shockingly quick amount of time, or used Valasta with a few other natural products after chemo failed, and are now cancer free. Rabbi Gefilhaus is more than happy for people to call him to hear about these testimonials firsthand. His US number is (718) 831-2289. He also may be able to help with medical referals, depending on the patient’s location.
Colon cancer
M. was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer. She underwent three rounds of chemo and became so weak that she was unable to get out of bed for 2 weeks. M. had to keep getting Neuprogen shots during that time because her white blood cell counts were dipping dangerously low, and she required IV fluids as well. M. subsequently began Valasta, and when she had the next round of chemo, the difference was astonishing. Once she was on Valasta, by the very next day after chemo treatment, M. would actually feel fine, more or less.
She kept taking Valasta as she also received immunotherapy and radiation. The planned surgery was never needed, and M. is now cancer-free (NED), to her doctors’ surprise.
M.’s relative who shared her story said that Valasta saved her life, and she can’t bear to think where M. would be without it.
W. had Stage 4 colon cancer which had spread to his liver. He had undergone every type of conventional treatment, including surgery. One and a half years ago, he briefly considered taking Valasta, but decided not to, as he was always opposed to alternative treatments.
Three months ago, W.’s doctors gave up on him. At that point, he became frustrated with the medical establishment and finally decided to try Valasta.
W. has been taking Valasta these past three months, and his doctors are very surprised that his cancer has not grown as much as they would have expected it to in this time (they thought he should have been dying by now.) In some areas, in fact, his tumors have actually shrunk. W. is now, thank G-d, feeling very well.
A. is a young woman who was diagnosed with Stage 3 colorectal cancer, with 11 lymph nodes involved. She immediately started taking Valasta, and was up to a high therapeutic dose within a week.
A. wanted to preserve her eggs before starting chemo, and when she did egg retrieval it was extremely successful. (Valasta is known to improve egg quality.)
A. continued Valasta and also started on high-dose ivermectin and fenbendazole, Vitamin D, K2, and many parts of Randy Howe’s protocol, including the mushroom blend, turmeric, berberine, and anatto tocotrienols. She stayed on these products as she did 5 rounds of chemo. She also used other supplements, including saffron for mood and biotin for her hair.
A. experienced very little in the way of side effects from the chemo treatments. While she did have sensitivity to cold (neuropathy), she did not really have any nausea, etc.
A.’s blood work was amazing throughout the whole process. Her liver numbers, and everything else, were stable the whole time. It was as if the chemo never affected her blood at all. (The only exception was when A. was given doxycycline to prepare for a different kind of drug, and that made her liver numbers skyrocket. Once they took that out, everything stabilized again very quickly.) Her chemo could have caused anemia, and her red blood count did dip at one point, but she never really came close to anemia.
Her CEA (a cancer marker) plummeted very quickly. From her first being tested at 13, it dropped with every round of chemo and blood testing, and went into normal range within 3 months.
Her tumor also shrunk surprisingly fast. When she had surgery to remove the remaining mass, it was, thank G-d, very successful. The surgeon got 2 cm clear margins, which is the “gold standard,” and all the 31 lymph nodes removed were found to be cancer-free.
A. is currently doing very well and planning to continue Valasta.
E. had Stage 4 colon cancer, was receiving chemotherapy, and wanted to try adding Valasta. However, he mistakenly took ordinary astaxanthin at first, not understanding the vast difference. Of course, he saw no results from it.
Thankfully, someone clued him in, and E. started on Valasta before it was too late. E. is now cancer-free for over a year, and his oncologist has no explanation other than that he is a “walking miracle.”
E.’s friend told someone that out of all the high quality supplements E. tried, Valasta was the main one from which he saw astounding results in a short amount of time.
L., a US Army veteran, was extremely sick with colon cancer which had metastasized to his lungs and elsewhere in his body. He had a lot of chemotherapy, radiation, and many surgeries. L. even had to have two ribs removed. At that point, he was doing very poorly.
A friend recommended Valasta. L. asked his biochemist friend to research it, as well as his oncologist, and the head of the pharmacy at Veterans Hospital in Baltimore. All agreed that it was a good product that could only benefit him.
L. started taking huge doses of Valasta, while still doing chemotherapy. L.‘s cancer completely cleared. In fact, this past August, his CA level was 1.75, which indicates no evidence of cancer. L. says that the Valasta also helped his arthritis and other problems.
Unfortunately, L. is in financial distress and could not afford to keep up with the Valasta. Recently, after stopping it for a few months, his tumor grew back slightly. Thankfully, someone just purchased a few bottles of Valasta for L. and he restarted his treatment. May G-d send him complete healing once again.
Reproductive cancers
S., a young woman, was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer with peritoneal involvement. The situation was so bleak that doctors were offering only palliative chemo. S. took Valasta along with the chemo. She did not use any other alternative treatments because the doctors frightened her off of everything. After a number of months she underwent surgery, during which the cancer was found to be much smaller than expected. She continued Valasta. Six months after her original grim diagnosis, S. was pronounced cancer free (NED.)
G. had a very advanced Stage 4 reproductive cancer and underwent a complete hysterectomy. Subsequently, she was basically told that she’s “not going to make it.” G. used extremely high doses of Valasta together with immunotherapy, and to everyone’s shock, she was found to be cancer-free within less than 5 months. G. is continuing to use Valasta to prevent recurrence of the cancer.
N. was scheduled for a hysterectomy because of a mass in her uterus. She asked her doctor for a bit of time, because she had heard about Valasta. N. used Valasta alone for a month and then redid her scan. The doctors were puzzled to find that the mass had shrunk significantly. Now N. is waiting another month and will re-scan. She’s hoping to find that the mass will have vanished altogether.
D. was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and told that he required surgery. The tumor needed to be shrunk before he was operated on. D. took Valasta and did chemo treatments for 6 months. When he was scanned prior to surgery, to the doctors’ shock, they found that his tumor had almost completely disappeared. The expected operation was not performed, and D. continues to take Valasta. He is doing very well and is back at work.
Breast cancer
C. was found to have a 6 cm breast tumor. Surgery was scheduled for six weeks later. In the meantime, she did no treatment other than Valasta. When C. was operated on, the tumor was found to have shrunk by 50%. (Note that this person had especially quick results, and many people do need to take Valasta longer than that before they see tumor shrinkage.)
P. was a Stage 3 breast cancer patient. In addition to her chemo treatments she took Valasta, AHCC (a powerful treatment made from fermented mushrooms), and Neprinol AFD (an enzyme which helps clear the killed cancer cells from the body.) P. had very little side effects from her chemotherapy treatment (others who use Valasta also find the same.)
P. finished her last chemo and was declared cancer free. Her doctor told her that she “had a miracle.”
T.’s husband does not want to share much about her breast cancer diagnosis and journey but does want people to know that T. got the all-clear from her cancer after using Valasta, without using other treatment. She keeps taking it.
I. is a very young woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer. She took Valasta throughout her chemo treatment and “never even knew she was on chemo.” She would take her kids to the park every day, feeling completely well.
I. is now cancer free.
Blood and lymph cancers
R., a teenager, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma Stage 3. Six cycles of chemo were planned. R. took Valasta together with the chemo. After 2 cycles, the doctors rechecked R. to see if the chemo was working - and found her to be 100% free of cancer.
M., a 2 year old child, was diagnosed with leukemia, which was found at a very late stage and required immediate treatment. The oncologists at Hadassah Hospital, where the child was, researched Valasta at the parents’ request and then allowed M. to be given Valasta together with the chemotherapy treatments he was receiving. M. did not lose his hair, nor did he experience most of the usual side effects of chemo which were sickening the other children in the pediatric oncology unit.
After 2 rounds of chemo, M. was found to be 100% disease-free, which is unheard of.
Because of M., the Hadassah Hospital pediatric oncology unit now supports the use of Valasta with chemotherapy.
D. had lab work done and preliminary results showed showed a blood cancer - but doctors weren’t yet sure what type. D. started Valasta that very day, and of course she prayed. Three weeks later, she had specialized bloodwork done, and a very slight improvement was seen, which confused the doctors. D. was afraid to tell them about Valasta, so she only said “I’ve been praying,” and asked for 3 months’ time. The doctors agreed. Three months later, when they repeated her bloodwork, D. was totally clean, with “no medical explanation.” 😉
V. was diagnosed with double hit lymphoma, otherwise known as high grade B cell lymphoma, which is very aggressive. V. did conventional treatments for a year, together with Valasta. Throughout her extra-harsh chemo regimen, V.’s liver remained remained unharmed, which was very surprising to her doctors. She also experienced minimal side effects from the chemo. V. is, thank G-d, now all clear, which is a miracle considering the seriousness of her cancer.
J., still a young woman, had been fighting CML (chronic myelogenous leukemia) for over ten years and had exhausted all her options. She was told that there was “nothing left for her to do.” The most recent chemo she tried had been working, but now was discontinued and she couldn’t get it any more, and no other chemotherapies helped her any longer.
J. was told there is one other, very harsh treatment she could try, but it would harm different organs in her body and then she’d need to be on various medications to counteract the harms. She decided that G-d can help her without that dangerous drug, and prayed very hard.
Very soon afterwards, J. met a woman in a store, who told her how her own mother had been helped by Valasta for her breast cancer.
J., now off chemo, started taking Valasta, and after a few months on it, she was feeling much better. J.’s oncologist of many years told her that her bloodwork was better than he’d ever seen it. J. continued to take Valasta and to pray, and is now completely cancer free and says she’s feeling stronger and healthier than she’s ever felt in her life.
F. was diagnosed with lymphoma and underwent surgery. He was told to expect a recurrence of lymphoma in his muscle. F. has been taking Valasta for a year since his surgery and is feeling great. He is not on any conventional treatments, and thank G-d, he remains clear of cancer. As a positive “side effect,” his diabetes disappeared, as well.
Polycythemia vera, the cancer that Sam Shepherd developed Valasta to cure himself of, has no cure in the medical world. It is normally treated by periodic bloodletting, and the common effects of the polycythemia itself and of the bloodletting are heart palpitations, exhaustion, weakness, shortness of breath. Patients typically go through this for years, continuing to suffer with these symptoms as long as they live.
I have a personal testimonial of a man who has, thank G-d, been totally cured of his polycythemia by taking Valasta, but he is uncomfortable with my sharing the details in public. If there is a polycythemia patient who reads this, you may contact me to get the full story so that you can most benefit.
K. started having symptoms of Hodgkin’s disease a year ago, but was only diagnosed four months ago. By that point, he was Stage 4. K. used Valasta together with the conventional treatments he received and after only 2 series of treatments, he was pronounced clear of the disease (although doctors still want to give him the next two series of treatments.)
Brain cancer
D. is a very private person so we don’t have too many details, but we know that he was diagnosed with glioblastoma and is taking Valasta - and is at work and doing well.
This story is extremely sad. R. was a very young mother who was diagnosed with glioblastoma. She underwent unsuccessful treatment with chemotherapy until the doctors gave up on her. R. then started taking Valasta and her tumor shrunk significantly. She began to feel very well and started going about normal life.
Unfortunately, R. listened to her oncology practitioner who claimed that the tumor shrinkage was actually from her chemo two months prior, and insisted that she restart the chemo and go OFF of Valasta.
After R. followed these orders, her cancer grew back with a vengeance. By the time her family realized what was happening and tried to re-start her on Valasta, the tumor had spread too far, and she passed away.
Pancreatic cancer
I am aware of people who have been helped with pancreatic cancer by a combination of Valasta and chemotherapy, but I don’t have enough details to include their testimonials.
Bone cancer
B. was extremely ill with a rare bone cancer which had metastasized to other parts of his body. Although the doctors offered a new chemotherapy idea, they did not have high expectations. B. used Valasta in addition to the chemotherapy and thank G-d, as of the last report, he has been doing very well.
Bladder cancer
My friend E. says: “In 2014, my husband, a healthy man in his late seventies, got a diagnosis of bladder cancer that was confirmed by two urologists. We were made to understand that although there is no cure for his type of bladder cancer, there is a successful treatment that requires regular check-ups and treatment that can keep the cancer in check. The bottom line, though, they explained, is that it’s a lifetime sentence.
“From then till now, we have followed the universal protocol:
•Regular two- to three- to six- month cystoscopy checkups (a camera inserted through the urethra to the bladder, scanning its walls in search of tumors. )
• If one appears, the treatment is done as an out-patient under sedation. It is the surgical “scraping” of the bladder wall (TURBT), followed by about 6 weeks of a biologic infusion (BCG or Mitomycin) that the doctors cautioned was poisonous if spread to someone sharing the household toilet. My husband has had four such procedures since his diagnosis, with biopsies presenting as stage 1.
“In January 2024, after undergoing the latest TURBT, the urologist reported that the biopsy had come back “inconclusive” with concern that the tumor that was removed had invaded the bladder wall leading to a possible uptick to a stage 2 diagnosis. He was bent on immediate additional surgery to remove more surrounding tissue to further define the biopsy. And the bottom line, chemotherapy.
“We had a different idea and we asked for his support. He was unable to consider it—giving the impression that he thought we were foolish to even consider anything “outside the box” that wasn’t universally accepted as “the only way forward.”
E. and her husband left that doctor’s practice and found other doctors who were supportive of their plans to try an alternative route. Her husband began a regimen of Valasta, Essiac Tea, Ivermectin, FenBen, Hydroxychloroquine, and Z-Stack—(which contains Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C.)
E. says:
“My husband started his “cocktail cure” in February 2024. Six months later, he had a cystoscopy that showed no tumors and a urine lab test that proved negative for cancer cells.
“We have been blessed by G-d in so many ways; we learned a great deal too. First, we learned to strengthen—and lead—with our faith in G-d, to get out of His way and let Him do His Work. We also learned that a doctor who lives in a spiritual vacuum is not giving us enough good medical care. Make a change.
“It’s our plan that my husband will continue to see his (new!) urologist regularly. And just as important, he will keep up with all of the above supplements.”
O. was diagnosed with the same supposedly “incurable” bladder cancer as the patient above, and was told that she would have to undergo BCG biologic treatments for the rest of her life.
O. prayed a lot, and actually planned out in detail in advance the “Thank-You” party she would make when she would celebrate her healing, which she knew G-d was sending, to give thanks to Him.
O. used Valasta for a year and a half until she became completely cancer-free, and then she held her Thank You party.
Eye cancer
C. was diagnosed with a recurrence of eye cancer. (Note, a recurrence can be more difficult to treat and often has a worse prognosis than a first diagnosis.) She took Valasta at the same time as she was treated with immunotherapy. The results far surpassed the doctors’ expectations. C. achieved a totally clean scan (NED) in only three months.
Skin cancer
R. had a rare and incurable skin cancer. All the treatments that he tried did not help at all. He was feeling very sick. He started Valasta and remained on his conventional treatment, despite the fact that it hadn’t worked until now. Within a few months, R. had a very significant improvement. It is over a year now that he is on Valasta, and R. remains stable (no disease progression), his bloodwork improved greatly, and he is feeling much, much better.
Unknown origin
G.’s family is very private so I don’t have many details of his story. Although I don’t know his diagnosis, I know that he had advanced cancer which kept recurring even as he did trial after trial. His wife was sure that she was losing him. Finally he was offered one last trial, but they didn’t hold out much hope of it working. An additional worry was whether his body could even withstand the trial drug, as he was so weak.
He started Valasta “on the side” around the time that he started the trial. Of course, he couldn’t tell his doctor, or he would have gotten kicked off the trial.
G. is 100% cancer free for over a year now, and doctors are shocked that his cancer hasn’t returned, as it had been doing repeatedly for years prior. Little do they know the secret ingredient…
G. is feeling like a new person, thank G-d.
D. was diagnosed at the beginning of pregnancy with Stage 4 cancer which had “spread everywhere.” Due to the pregnancy, she did not do conventional treatment. D. took Valasta continuously during her pregnancy. By the time her baby was born, new scans showed that D. was almost completely clear of cancer.
Z. had cancer that had spread to many parts of his body, including his liver and abdominal cavity. The oncologist told him that the chemo would hopefully help for the other locations, but would not reach the abdominal cavity cancer. Z. used very high doses of Valasta in addition to chemo. His oncologist was shocked to subsequently discover that his abdominal cavity and liver were nearly clear. While as of the last update, Z.’s story is still in progress, he is, thank G-d, definitely heading in the right direction.
P. was told that she would need at least 8 months of chemo for an aggressive cancer. She used Valasta alongside the chemo and after only 4 months, she was given the all-clear and told that she “must have been misdiagnosed” originally.
Benign tumors
G., a doctor, was diagnosed with an adrenal adenoma. After taking Valasta for 3 months, the growth had disappeared. Additionally, his cataract had improved to the point that he could now read, and his joint pain was better.
E. said: “A few months ago, as a result of some concerning findings on my blood work, and suffering from severe headaches, my doctor sent me for an MRI of the brain. It showed a 7 mm growth in the pituitary.
“I have had low thyroid function since a young age, but the dose of levothyroxine remained very stable for many years. In recent labs, my T4 and T3 levels were very low, while TSH was elevated. My thyroid gland was not functioning at all, and my levothyroxine dose was raised to 200 mcg. I also have chronic Hepatitis B infection which I acquired after a contaminated blood infusion. My liver enzyme numbers have been elevated for a long time, and viral count was high as well. I was taking an antiviral medication but had to stop because of the side effects.
My sister informed me about Valasta and I began to take 4 pumps twice daily. After a week and a half, my headaches had disappeared. By three weeks, I was able to lower my dose of levothyroxine as my thyroid levels had improved greatly. My liver enzymes are down to almost normal as well.
I also have increased energy and feel better than I have in a long time. It is clear to me that all these improvements are thanks to Valasta. My growth has begun to shrink, and my hope is, that if I can continue taking it for the next eight months until my next brain MRI, the growth will be completely resolved.”
B. had multiple benign breast cysts. She was anxious because many of her family members had experienced breast cancer. B. started taking Valasta and in a short amount of time, she started seeing the cysts shrinking.
Liver function
A young woman who was undergoing treatment for advanced cancer was diagnosed with liver disease, brought on by her treatments. She took Valasta and it raised her liver function back up to 100%.
Radiation protection
Valasta acts to protect the body from harms of radiation therapy and can also help with after-effects of radiation exposure.
Post cancer
Cancer survivors who have struggled, often for years, with lingering fatigue or abnormal blood work after their conventional treatments have reported a return to their normal selves when they start taking Valasta . Their blood work normalizes and they feel strong and healthy again.
May G-d bring healing to all.
Very important information
The Valasta website is Please only get the genuine product. I am stressing the importance of going to the correct website because sometimes people do a google search and come up with incorrect information (AI made up their own strange idea of what Valasta is, which a friend forwarded to me, while another person thought that it was a dangerous drug with a somewhat similar name!) Other people try to buy it on Amazon, but Valasta is NOT sold on Amazon.
Please get guidance on how to take Valasta properly for it to be effective. You can contact Michelle Nay RN, the Valasta Nurse Educator, at (803-470-1913 ext 1.) Michelle prefers to be contacted by email if possible.
Please note that I am in no way employed by the company manufacturing Valasta, nor do I receive any profits whatsoever from its sale.
Here is some background information on Valasta:
Valasta: At a Glance
Valasta was developed by Professor Sam Shepherd, world renowned scientist, physicist, and biochemical engineer who has garnered international recognition for his expertise and contributions in several fields of science.
When faced with his own incurable medical predicament (Polycythaemia Vera – a rare blood-bone cancer), Sam Shepherd set out on a mission to cure himself. With over a thousand existing NIH scientific research studies, Sam noted that the magnitude of astaxanthin’s effectiveness in treating disease is very well-documented. See below:
However, at that time, the research was only theoretical. Sam, in desperation to find a way to utilize astaxanthin to treat himself, figured out a practical implementation, cured himself, and thus we have the product today known as Valasta.
· Valasta is used by thousands of people across the globe with profound results in treating chronic diseases, cancer, inflammatory diseases, and other serious health conditions. (I have innumerable testimonials about Valasta relieving those other diseases, as well.)
· The most-potent antioxidant and strongest anti-inflammatory available.
· Promotes overall health and serves as a preventive measure against disease.
· For all ages, including infants.
How to purchase Valasta:
You can order Valasta on the Valasta website: Discount code: 1234
How do I know how much to take and how to take it properly?
Contact Michelle Nay RN, the Valasta Nurse Educator, at (803-470-1913 ext 1.) Michelle prefers to be contacted by email if possible.
How is it possible for one healthful food supplement to be effective across such diverse conditions?
Sam had the same questions: How did his mother’s kidney disease reverse? How had his friend’s arthritis healed? How was it that his aunt no longer required her diabetes medication?
Sam delved into the research. Most diseases stem from the same root cause; inflammation. Valasta works by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, which are linked to over 90% of all non-infectious diseases. With cancer, there are six ways in which Valasta attacks the disease. Valasta is also used to help with the the side effects of conventional treatments of any disease, including cancer, and to enhance the effectiveness of the treatments.
How long does it take to see results?
The time it takes to see results with Valasta will vary depending on several factors. These include the specific condition or disease being addressed, the individual’s overall health, and metabolism. Some people may notice benefits within days or weeks, while others may take several months to experience significant changes. Additionally, factors like dosage, taking it correctly, and consistency of use can also influence the time frame of seeing visible results. (If you are not experiencing the desired results, please contact the Valasta company.)
Is Valasta safe for everyone?
Valasta is safe for everyone, (elderly and babies), including and very beneficial for those on medications, such as blood thinners, blood pressure, diabetes, and thyroid medication. As the body works toward restoring balance (homeostasis), it may become necessary to adjust or reduce medication dosages under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
What are the side effects?
There are no known side effects. Rarely, one may experience slightly looser stools during the first few weeks of use as the stomach adjusts and builds enzymes. This is temporary. Note that Valasta has actually proven to be very helpful for individuals with Crohn's disease and colitis.
What ingredients are in Valasta?
· Astaxanthin: Astaxanthin is a powerful carotenoid found in plants. The kosher astaxanthin used in Valasta is grown and produced in the USA in closed vessels. The extraction of the astaxanthin is done under strict guidelines using critical CO2 extraction techniques.
· Olive oil: Pure organic kosher olive oil.
What is the difference between Valasta and other brands of astaxanthin that are available on the market?
Some people have mistakenly tried using other brands of Astaxanthin without the desired results. They are not the same and cannot be compared. It can be likened to comparing a bicycle to a plane, but when someone has a true disease they need the plane. The patented version of astaxanthin, Valasta, developed by Sam Shepherd is a unique product. Valasta is a glucosidic astaxanthin made using a proprietary method. Sam discovered a way to reattach the glucose molecule back onto the extracted astaxanthin.
The process of encapsulating the astaxanthin molecule with the glucosidic molecule inside a fat molecule took Sam Shepherd eight years to develop. Valasta’s unique production method using electromagnetic technology enables it to reach every cell of the body and pass through the blood-brain barrier. The encapsulated glucosidic molecule, along with the specialized liposomal delivery, ensures that Valasta is highly absorbable and grants the feasibility of taking sufficient amounts.
For additional information about Valasta, scientific articles about astaxanthin, and videos, etc, please see my previous article:
I have encouraged my son, who is 27 and who was recently diagnosed with Posterior Necrotizing Scleritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis, to research Valasta.
I have sent him all the links (and video testimonials) with which to do so.
I really hope he takes my advice.