I had 3 cancerous tumors on my cervix. We followed them a long time. I required a surgery to remove them, when we discovered I was pregnant with Madeleine. She was my wish baby. I was told the surgery might abort her. So it wasn't a choice. I was told the risks of the cancer spreading. I researched extensively, and took indole3carbinol. It is the active ingredient in cruciferous vegetables. One pill was the equivalent of a truck full of broccoli.

I was never worried during the pregnancy. It was out of my hands. But how beautiful was my baby!!

6 weeks after I gave birth I was scheduled for surgery.

The surgeon was astonished as all 3 had resolved.

When I get night sweats I take one at night before bed and within a few days they are gone.

There are research papers with indole-3-carbinol available. That is how I came across it. You may find them. I recall i3c was studied as effective with reproductive cancers.

The pills are authentic when they smell like stinky socks.

I always have a bottle on the go. Night sweats freak me out as I had them all the time prior to and when the tumors were discovered. So I thought I'd share what I did as an anecdote. Now I weighed taking them while pregnant and thought broccoli was safe. Please don't judge me if you think that was careless. The other options involved the risk of losing Maddy. She was born healthy and gorgeous.

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"I had 3 cancerous tumors on my cervix. We followed them a long time ..."

Not a credible schpiel.

Benign tumors, theoretically. But still not believable. What's your cut on the supps?

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You needn't fear judgment, you made a choice and the result was what you were seeking. Never apologize for seeking life.

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Thank you BW…where to find ‘Part 1’ of this excellent article series, please?

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Wow, have been reading and learning what to do to remain healthy as I was abruptly retired from allopathic meds. after 30 years! withdrawal and recuperation from the damage

was minimized and body healed after 2 years of using and learning this similar protocol hit and miss...

This is wonderful to learn one has been on the correct path and heartening to learn that this protocol is helping so many overcome toxicity in the body.

May I also add proper DENTAL/Oral Health protocols can aid the body as well.

Much research has been suppressed as to the dangers of root canal/implants/crowns/'silver' fillings...

As cancers, organ diseases cancers may contain biologic sludge from disease stemming from the oral/ dental area!

Liver and Oral Health is also paramount...

Thank you for the advice free from paywall...


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My doctor told me to stop eating for 5 days, and then lightly eat for a day. Repeat X’s three, and you could be cancer-free! It's only 20 days, and it doesn't cost a dime! I have only known two people who repeated the process, but their Cancer was advanced. You might have to repeat this process once if your Cancer has advanced.

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Reverse cancer with applied knowledge. I explain in part 2 of my cancer reversal podcast series:


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My understanding of curing cancer is to eliminate all tumors in the body with minimal (or no) side effects; only then can it be called a true cancer revolution: https://clo2xuewuliu.substack.com/p/revolutionizing-cancer-treatment

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The protocol for never cancer is interesting, but why Zyrtec?

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Not Zyrtec. Randy recommends Claritin, for cancer fighting properties important in late stages.

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Why don’t links work?

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"... he has done the ... investigation to find the brands of each product ... and the most affordable source for each of those products. He includes a link to easily purchase each one.

Of course he does. 😂 Hilarious!

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You are apparently so far away from goodness that you cannot fathom that there are people in the world - such as the ones that thank G-d I am fortunate to have in my orbit - who actually care so deeply for other people and helping them live that the satisfaction they derive from helping others is their most highly valued recompense.

For people who believe in G-d and the Next World, money is very far from the most important thing.

By your comment you are holding a mirror up to yourself and proclaiming that money is YOUR main object. The picture you show us of yourself is not a pretty one.

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