Wonderful speech! Brave and true.

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Menegle 2.0, mass murderer, sociopath, acolyte of #BillGatesBioTerrorist

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Never apologize for speaking the TRUTH.

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Vaccines are poisons



They Lied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 


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AND when these psychopaths get away with it (Paperclip and those “just following orders”- so very very few were punished) it emboldens the next generation (Fauci) and the ones that follow - for if this EVIL is not severely punished all the way down the chain (which it won’t be) history will and does continue to repeat itself. At best, collectively the public - every single one of these sadists should be called out for what they are and what they KNOWINGLY did, every single time they go in public - as they DO NOT have the right to walk among us. Full stop.

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