You are completely correct about Canada. I wrote about it a while ago, but someone told me yesterday that it now progressed to an even more horrifying level. I need to find the documentation. Meanwhile, here are the previous articles where I tried to expose Canada’s euthanasia laws: https://truth613.substack.com/p/the-holocaust-and-our-current-situation and https://truth613.substack.com/p/the-government-is-not-your-friend

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Brucha, it is almost Erev Yom Hakippurim. Your literary efforts are so major and magnificent, that you are not only an Eishes Chaiyel, you are also a Tzaddick in our time. You have ennobled our world, in the manner of Deborah, of Yehudit, and of Esther.

If you deem it possible and useful, please expose the latest chillul Ha’Shem, to wit: it has become lawful, or is about to become so, in Canada to legalize the recommendation of euthanasia to sick or suicidal patients by hospital personnel or governmental authorities, according to reports sent to me. This will achieve financial gains for eugenicists and government officials. This is a step ahead of the “mere” legalization of assisted suicide as seen in Europe, and Washington State and Oregon reportedly. To advise and/ or to counsel suicide is obscene, in my opinion, and violative of all moral codes, and indicative of the abysmal depths to which government has fallen.

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