Certainly, they're trying to establish a new version of a fascist state. The globalists have the means to enforce it using technology and other methods, essentially creating a police state. However, there's a catch: people might not go along with it. We're not like Asians; we're Westerners. The globalists are bombarding us with the disturbing plans of their disgusting 2030 agenda and constantly bothering us with their unpleasant stories. It's important to note that many authoritarian leaders from the 20th century faced unfortunate outcomes.

- Luc




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Planned as the invasion of Russia was failing, and we are seeing the final stages in lockdowns and pandemics. A Fourth Reich is imminent and could last for a time, as foundations for the New Age were laid down starting July 8th.1964, with a great metaphysical operation in space.

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Murder for hire (anyone who received money to pimp this bioweapon-just following orders OR influencing others for “blood” money can’t claim ignorance) AND now premeditated murder (all that knew the harms but still pimped and paid to continue to push the bioweapon). Full stop!

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