Jan 15, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

Wealthy businessmen going to WEF Davos are insisting on flights with UNvaccinated pilots. (this is from twitter) https://twitter.com/search?q=Unvaccinated&src=trend_click&vertical=trends

Brucha, you should post about this issue. There are a lot of pilot's organizations fighting the ubiquitous airline vaccine mandates including U.S. Freedom Flyers and Global Aviatin Advocacy Coalition. I'm sure that is a big factor in the current problem with air travel.

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justified homicide for public health violation in hospital? contrast this woman's life with George Floyd. the footage was live. By security guards and for having her mask too low. charges dropped

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

Medicine has been used to spread painful control. It is so clear. Aren’t the big Pharma corporations connected with the World Economic Forum? Not to mention the military industrial medical complex? And major media and big tech and our government? These are not coincidences they are the whole story.

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