Did some searching on George Brock Chisholm. It was definitely his vision to stamp out Biblical morality:

"We must seek some consistent thread running through the weave of all civilizations we have known, and preventing the development of all or almost all the people to a state of true maturity. What basic psychological distortion can be found in every civilization of which we know anything?....

"The only lowest common denominator of all civilizations and the only psychological force

capable of producing these perversions is morality, the concept of right and wrong.... For many generations we have bowed our necks to the yoke of the conviction of sin.

"If the race is to be freed from its crippling burden of good and evil it must be the psychiatrists who take the original responsibility."

(source: THE PSYCHIATRY OF ENDURING PEACE AND SOCIAL PROGRESS, Psychiatry Journal, Feb. 1946, pp.7-9)

Given that Chisholm was cofounder / first Director General of the World Health Organization, this helps us understand what kind of vision drives that organization today --- and what their definition of "Health" is.

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So many points to comment on:

1. WEF ex-UK Health Secretary who implemented the UK’s Covid T4 ‘good death’ Eugenics programme by adding lethal amounts of Midazalam and Morphone to the Revised Liverpool Care Pathway. Revised as no longer to be used at end of life but for anyone deemed frail.

Like the German Death Panels, Whitty et al and NICE (National institute for Clinical Excellence created the Frailty Scoring System (hence we keep hearing ‘only the frail’ died).

Level of physical disabilities (use of crutches and wheelchair long distances , requires help with heavy chores)= 5


Age over 60 in bands 60-63=1;


Plus every health condition. Incl mental illness. So anxiety and depression =2

Hancock lowered the previous cut off for life saving treatment from 8 to 5.

PS I have been writing about this repeatedly since April 2020. I sent evidence to UK Column (Beeley involved w/them), Amnesty, Daily Telegraph, but I was ignored.


Is it to normalise the murders committed under Covid? After all, they had so little quality of life they would have wanted to die anyway. Or so their twisted logic goes.

Second Point Ukraine and Nazi infiltration and collusion within the West. Seems every time I look into family backgrounds and many institutions I find Nazi and/or Eugenic connections. Gates Bush Ford Rockefeller Johnson. UK Parliament had support for Fascist ideology (roughly supportive until Churchill who hid the J issue as didn’t think HoC or public would support war to save J’s).

The ideologies remain the same whether it’s called Population Council, Marie Stopes, or Ab*rtion Rights - Eugenics. The commoners must control numbers of children while they should breed as many as possible. Von Der Leyen (8!). Johnson (?6?7?).

Point Three

Today’s support for Ukrainazis. When asked whether I support the West in Ukraine the answer is NO. THESE ARE THE SAME FAMILIES AND IDEOLOGY THAT MASSACRED MY JEWISH GRANDMOTHER’s UKRAINIAN FAMILY IN POGROMS. Only now is MSM discussing it

Point Four

Ehlers-Danlos. I have this multi-system inherited collagen disorder. I don’t believe chronic pain is ever uncontrollable. It’s merely dismissed and not treated by Specialist pain management Consultants. It certainly should never be considered a reason for Euthanasia.

Interestingly UK NICE issued policy decisions to reduce prescriptions for Pain medication. Thus many GPs are reluctant to prescribe Opiates and non-opiate prescriptions due to risk of addiction which results in reduced quality of life. Contradicting NICE, Pain psychologists have found when pain levels are reduced (such as broken hips healed) use of pain medication naturally tapers off. I am grateful that my GP allows me to manage my pain management as I see fit as I’ve never increased these drugs over the last 15 years.

Last point. These people are evil. We didn’t win the war against the German Evil, we won the battle. By their ‘penetration’ throughout our societies, as a Fifth column, they have won the 70 year war. Let’s not let them win the next 70 year WW3.

Sorry very last point—-

If you have EVER experienced ANY mental illness for WHATEVER reason be that a reaction to medication (PEG interferon CAUSES suicidal symptoms), family crisis/tragedy/economic situation etc, IT WILL NEVER BE REMOVED FROM YOUR LIST OF MEDICAL CONDITIONS but Hepatitis will!

Ps my frailty score means if I ever require life saving treatment I will automatically get DNRd. I’ve had two advanced directives now sent to me. One by Mental Health minister even though my mental illness was directly a result of UNTREATED hypothyroidism. Correct dose=Stable Emotions! But with EDS, neuro, disability as a result of Show Jumping accident, over 60, I am too frail to be allowed to Live.

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This information is stunning.

Thank you very much for sharing this with us.

Suggestion - perhaps you should move elsewhere for lifesaving purposes?

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I believe it’s similar policies in the rest of the West especially those headed by WEFers.

Saying that my sister gets medical care despite chronic illnesses. But rumours from US suggest that undone are given worse treatment then done.

I am going to get a medical power of attorney so my daughter will be in charge and be able to request all paperwork. She’s had to to this before as hospital care has been diabolical in UK for decades.

At least I have private for treatment but whenever I use it my premiums go up astronomically. So I avoid using it. It’s already more than I can afford. It’s there if I need serious surgery or cancer treatment.

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If you look at a similar chart for the implementation and number of abortions across the years, you would find a similar trend. A practice allowed for cases of rape, incest or health risk to the mother very quickly became simply an alternate albeit expensive form of birth control.

Canadians by and large are very smug and believe they are superior in intelligence, kindness and virtue. The ugly reality is that the society has become an evil culture of death and destruction.

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Are you Canadian Michele? I am. I was born here many years ago. I don’t agree with your characterization ‘by and large’ statement of who we are. I certainly am not smug and do not believe that I am superior in intelligence, kindness and virtue.

I don’t agree with the majority of Bills that have passed or being pushed on us by Government. My personal opinion is that the world as a whole has forgotten that there is a Holy God. People think that they are ‘God’. The sanctity of life doesn’t matter. Family Life doesn’t matter.Helping others doesn’t matter. You know what Trudeau has said about Christians. Klaus Schwab wants Christians gone by 2030. As a Christian, I am praying that people will repent and God will heal our land and give us grace for a few more years and a great spiritual revival will happen. Otherwise, I see things getting much worse and God will rapture the Church and the tribulation will occur.

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I don't have an opinion about Canadians per se, but I think we all have to look inward and see how it is that these monstrous ideas have become acceptable or ever possible to express in public. This can't be just the result of a few evil elites. There is a general moral deterioration among everyone, and all we can do is try to pull ourselves upward.

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So well presented my comment cannot add anything. Thanks. Will cross post.

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From the death jabs to engineered food and energy shortages, the next step in the WEF/UN Nazi depopulation agenda.

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Beyond horrific

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Look at this. Chilling to the bone. I cannot believe it. An activity book for LITTLE KIDS about MAiD, to normalize assisted suicide to them. 🤮 https://www.virtualhospice.ca/maid/media/3bdlkrve/maid-activity-book.pdf?utm_content=buffer003f4&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

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I know many real ones - I can connect you if you wish.

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Was this directed to my comment below?

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Yes- was offering to connect you with Rabbis if you want.

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Perhaps I "experience it differently" I stand by my observations. Smug? Yes, a belief that one has all the answers and doesn't need to search out the truth. A sense of superiority in knowing. Kindness? A belief in the false narrative portrayed by the media that Canadians are noted for always saying they are sorry. The propensity for virtue signalling. eg. black lives matter and indigenous children.

The same people who by and large applaud murder by government with their tax dollars, and abortion with the same tax dollars.

The same people who by and large re-elected a PM who campaigned on dividing the country based on a health status and who in my opinion was actively laying the foundation for a genocide by publicly calling a group of people extremist, racist misogynists and in the next sentence said that "as a country we need to decide whether we till tolerate these people"

The same people who by and large were happy to flash their vaccine cards to obtain entry to restaurants and other venues.

Yes, I know what has been said about Christians, especially evangelical Christians. I agree a revival is needed. "through prayer and supplication make your requests known to God" Let's be careful with the idea of imminent rapture and tribulation. It is starting to look to me like the psychopaths in charge are deliberately using symbols to make Christians believe biblical prophecy is unfolding so that Christians will stand down in this war. i.e. COP 27 creation of new set of 10 commandments on Mount Sinai, luciferase in the vaccines, Bill Gates patent number 666 etc.

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Remember that we are talking about the most affluent society in human history by far, a society which wastes money and resources on utter nonsense (like the fashion clothing being advertised in the video.) In addition, this is a society which has to a great extent rejected the death penalty for the most vicious criminals. How can this be considered even slightly consistent?

We see clearly that the only thing that can stand in the way of this kind of evil is Divine Law which forbids murder for any reason. Otherwise, the human mind is capable of justifying anything.

Unfortunately, as an Orthodox Jew, I have had my trust in Rabbis greatly weakened over the past few years as I have seen them to be too weak-willed to stand up to governmental and financial pressures to support immoral measures in the name of "health". I am trying to find the ones with a backbone (and sense) whom I can rely on, but it is a real challenge.

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I’ve lost all respect for The Pope, Church of England and most other Christian denominations. The Vatican and CofE have chosen to use their funds earmarked for the poor instead to ESG investment hedge funds. We are talking of Billions.

But there’s solace in the many Christian leaders such as John MacArthur, Archbishop Vigano’, Bishop Strickland to name but a few who have spoken against this evil we face.

And there’s the Orthodox Jewish leaders in Israel who have concluded that no one should be jabbed as it vastly reduced procreation.

Lifesite News is a wonderful daily that although Catholic, and I am not, provides much soul quenching by reporting those who speak out from all denominations.

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Hello, fsy. Good to see you again!

I have tremendous respect for Rav Chananya Weissman: https://chananyaweissman.com/articles.php

His articles give me chizuk. Apparently observant Jews are still allowed to think for ourselves, which is very reassuring to me!

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Most of this article is great. However, when you make a detour into Russia's invasion of Ukraine, I will have to differ.

A word about my background. My great-grandparents thankfully escaped Ukraine in 1910, between pogroms. Prior to Nazi Germany, it was the home of the largest massacres of Jews in modern times. I have no love for Ukraine.

Having said that, Ukrainians are justifiably angry that the Holodomor is not a part of world historical consciousness to the same degree as the Holocaust. The Holodomor was a famine created by Russians in Ukraine during the 1930s. The scope of the genocide was about the same magnitude as the Holocaust, from what I understand.

According to Professor Rudolph Rummel, the Soviet Union's total democide toll was triple that of the Nazis: https://hawaii.edu/powerkills/20TH.HTM

We should not be surprised that the westernmost Soviet republics were desperate for anyone's help to liberate them from the democidal Russians. The Nazis offered them such help. I am not excusing their behavior, only attempting to understand it.

Today, Ukraine has a Jewish president. Sadly it has Nazis as well. But Russia has Nazis too, and so does America. Should Russia and America be invaded and their cities and power plants be bombed as a form of penance?

I am not enamored of either side in this war. I support Elon Musk's peace plan, provided Russia pays Ukraine for the provinces going to Russia, and signs a peace treaty with Ukraine. Then America can investigate the politicians who laundered money through Ukraine.

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