Mrs. Weisberger,

Hatzlochah rabbah on the talk you give there! I just had my first real presentation last week called Abortion and Gun Control: Cause and Effect (which is based on the report free at my site by the same name). I was concerned initially that I might be too nervous to make much of a difference. But it went really well, thank G-d, and I got so much more comfortable as it went along and then even more so when people started making comments and questions at the end.

I hope that you will stand out as someone with actual solutions because of being an Orthodox Jew since you can promote what I call "the sin theory of dictatorship" and "the corresponding repentance theory of freedom." Others unfamiliar with that concept (or familiar with it, yet ch'ristian) are essentially powerless/paralyzed before the rising dictatorship until they adopt that way of looking at the predicament this nation and the other nations are in: "l'alter l'teshuvah, l'alter l'geulah," in the words of the Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe ("immediately to repentance, immediately to redemption"). But by showing that it is by hashgochah pratis that we have a worsening dictatorship, the anger (which is like avodah zara) goes away and the solutions become obvious: we're not dealing with some mere natural phenomenon of power-hungry people gravitating towards positions of power. We're dealing with a dictatorship that was set by HaShem over the heads of the nation because of the sins of the nation. Addressing the sins as the root cause is the main answer. And it's excellent that we have other people who are not yet Noahides or Orthodox Jews who are aware of some of the problems with the rogue government but they need the real solutions. A cynical New World Order supporter told me the government was not rogue but "by the people." And he was right. It's been a government deserved by the sins of the people. Our nation has been getting justice from the Heavenly Court. So it is an opportunity to prove that decades of secular activism work have raised awareness to an all-time high and at the same time failed miserably while the plans of the evil have raced ahead ever faster (and to prove that teshuvah is the only durable way out).

As a reminder, after collecting well over 200 pages of notes and links about the corona"virus" and the government responses, I still really only have two critically important recommendations (and this has remained unchanged now for years):

(1) https://www.rodefshalom613.org/2020/08/rav-eliyahu-brog-covid-crisis-middah-kineged-middah-of-how-we-persecuted-our-unvaccinated-brethren/

and (2) The Contagion Myth (book published September 2020) by WAPF.

The first makes clear the religious causes of the new breathing illness and could just about make an inanimate object cry. The second makes clear the main physical cause of the new breathing illness which is not from bats or from a super-duper extra scary and secret Chinese weapons lab that we Americans could read mountains of [planted] secret enemy Chinese papers about so easily with any search engine. Neither Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith nor WAPF believe that weapons lab story, and they arrived at roughly the same conclusion independently and by very different routes.

To Rabbi Brog's article there I would like to add a proposition: what if the term "face-diapers" was also something we got to hear as a term straight out of the concept of middah kineged middah? In other words, lashon hara was the cause of the face-diapers because if people had something like that coming out of their mouths maybe it's like they needed face-diapers because that substance for which diapers are use is what lashon hara really is like.

I am also reminded of the words of the nation's (maybe the world's) most experienced vaccine exemptions attorney, Alan Phillips of North Carolina. He said that the aware community is far more controlled by the government than those believing the legacy media narratives. And he sure is right.

So the answer, obviously, is to bring the light of the Torah and shine it right into this rally so people will be astonished at the wisdom of the Jewish people and Devarim (Deuteronomy) 4:6 (https://www.chabad.org/library/bible_cdo/aid/9968/showrashi/true) will thereby be fulfilled.

And how to reach people who seem unreachable? The answer is with menuchas hanefesh and with simcha. After all, emotions are what locked them into their false worldview. By showing we who have the truth are far, far happier, it is a cure for all of us because we're supposed to be serving G-d with joy anyway and by not doing so it is actually a crime.

Again, best of luck.

From a Noahide,

John Hingson IV

Insulting Consulting

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"I am also reminded of the words of the nation's (maybe the world's) most experienced vaccine exemptions attorney, Alan Phillips of North Carolina. He said that the aware community is far more controlled by the government than those believing the legacy media narratives. And he sure is right."

Could you please clarify this input.

What exactly did Alan Phillips mean by this?

Why exactly do you think he is right?

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These quacks pushing these death jabs should be forced to take them until they reap what they sow! The insanity!!!!! But, worse are the foolish, naive parents acquiescing to help maim and kill their own precious children. The madness of it all! 😵

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