One of my longtime subscribers sent me this personal glyphosate poisoning story and said I could share it:

"My step dad and mom both died from glyphosate poisoning. When dad was dying, 4 doctors at the University hospital showed the family the images of dad's brain. It was totally pock marked with 2000 pinhead size holes, the doctors estimated this count. His was the worst they'd ever seen. They asked if we knew what chemicals he'd been exposed to. We knew. Starting in about 78 he began meeting with Monsanto. Their goal was to convince him to persuade the farmers in his region to use glyphosate. He was the State Engineering Offices Watermaster, the official who apportions water to farmers. They gave him gallon jug samples to give to the farmers, asked him to help get the farmers on board.

"We had a garden, he wanted to use it on our food crops. I read the fine print, told him no way, the fine print basically says if you're within 200 yards of this poison when it's applied to the land you can get very sick and die. I said don't use it on our garden, don't keep it here, or better yet, don't use it ever, it's bad. Well, they gave him a baseball cap, and some other nifty swag, and wined and dined him. So he used it. And he loaded the free samples in the State pickup truck, and he pushed it to farmers in his watershed who depended on his decisions for their water allotment.

"As he lay there struggling for life, I asked the 4 doctors if they'd testify because the family was going to sue. To our surprise, they all said no. I asked if they'd write a letter regarding his injuries and include his brain images. Again, no, all four. Being determined, I asked why on Earth not, all 4 of you are telling us you're certain that glyphosate does this, and you confirmed it's unique damage profile, and that you are trained to identify farmers who might come in with chemical exposures and to deal with these chemical injuries. So what gives? They said that every single year Monsanto gives a long series of lectures to doctors explaining what happens if farmers come in poisoned from any of their various toxins. Shockingly, they said always at the end of the series, the last lecture is by Monsanto's lawyers, explaining the labeling, how no one can sue them, and how doctors cannot be part of attempts to sue for poisoning damages or anything else because the company had iron clad protection from injuries from their products."

Brucha, this is the era that will go down in history as the great poisoning. Yes it is true that Roundup came out of the Agent Orange tests on Vietnam. Agent Orange (AO) is not just one chemical. The name was a 'branding' moniker given to many related military experimental chemicals, the first of which were in barrels with an orange stripe. Each of the different ones came in barrels with different colors, purple, blue, brown, green, yellow, etc. All were alleged to be jungle defoliants. Look at the before and after photos of AO spraying campaigns in Vietnam, these are pure death chemicals to every living thing. They have extremely long persistence in an ecosystem. They are also teratogenic to many generations. Last time I checked, which was about 2016, every year in Vietnam 350,000 babies are born with AO genetic defects. Some of the doctors trying to remedy the problems are deep into AO insights, it's far worse than has been told, and they say it's likely damages will continue for at least 10 to 14 more generations. Vietnam exports crops and fish without any credible oversight to provide safe food.

A huge part of why, even as a teenager, I cracked down on my step dad swooning over AO was what happened to my real dad, and to me. My dad spent most of his time in Vietnam behind enemy lines as a helicopter and airplane mechanic. He went to Vietnam in great health, lovely dynamic engaging personality, highly creative and successful. He was part of operation Ranch Hand, responsible for receiving, storing, loading, and applying AO on base and in the aircraft. Military personnel lived in open air tents with canvas at the bottom, open screen at the sides, and a rainproof roof.

Military command required them to spray AO outside on the bottom edge of the tent every week. The stench would fill the tents and of course people got sick. He sprayed tents, and he was one of the technicians that serviced the AO spraying equipment on the aircraft. He noticed it messed with his health as well as his mental faculties. Later, as he was severely disintegrated, I testified as to what he told me really went on in Vietnam.

Unfortunately, he had somehow self-hypnotized a belief that the corporate military had superior intelligence and that it must be good, despite seeing first hand the effects of chemical injuries upon himself and others. After returning, his misery was so severe he was a monster in great pain. Several times he brought me, a little child, into his workshop, held an electric drill, and asked me to drill into his hand or wherever the pain was bad so as to relieve the pain. He didn't trust the military doctors anymore, he just knew something was very, very wrong. Thankfully I had the presence to talk him out of drilling holes in his body.

Unfortunately he didn't connect the dots. In Vietnam he saw that AO was very good at dissolving paint off of airplanes and helicopters. He had a home remodeling business which needed things repainted. So one year, around the time of Love Canal, dad was stationed at Griffiss AFB in NY, and someone caught the base storing AO on base, which was illegal. So the base had to get rid of it fast. They put tons of barrels in a dump pit there on the base.

Well, dad wanted to use it for paint remover, so he brought quite a few barrels home, stored them in our basement, right next to my bedroom. I remember many different colors, brown, purple, white, orange, but I don't remember all. They each only had a few inches of AO remaining in the bottom of the barrel, so dad assigned me to open each barrel, wiggle in, scoop out all the remains (it's a sticky liquid, like molasses), and fill 5 gallon buckets for easy use in his construction projects. Then he brings a bunch of old wrought iron needing repainting into the basement and orders me to apply AO to the metal to strip off the paint. I got sick from the first.

I kept getting sicker and sicker. The basement wasn't vented, I lost a whole year, grades went from straight A to non-existent. My health has been a major nightmare due to this and other military experiments that dad volunteered me for as a child most all my life and till today. What's worse, all 4 of my children have bone deformities due to my altered genetics. Thankfully they all have excellent health otherwise, and, thankfully my first 2 grand kids were born fully fine.

Brucha, Americans have been hypnotized into believing that slathering ourselves in toxins via 'marketing product of the day' chemicals disguised as all types of consumer products is good for us. It's not, our water, our food, our personal care products, our reading materials, our packaging materials, our office and construction materials, our dental materials, our makeup, our perfumes and colognes, our medicines, our clothes, our stores, our vitamins, our restaurants, and the air we're seeing sprayed overhead are all dosed with life sucking toxicants. We slather daily in poisons.

We poison our land and foods, at every turn; seeds, planting, growing, harvest, storage, transportation, processing as an item, packaging the foods, storing the finished product.

And now we're being conditioned to love poisoning our genetics; as Bill (the parasite) Gates said, "we just take little kids and shoot DNA products right into their veins." We are a poisoned culture of poison loving ignorant poison addicts who don't have a clue how life truly works; it works just fine without poisons at every step. May we have the courage and love to go poison free soon!

Greatly appreciate all you do, especially for having the love and great communication gifts to warn people. May we all listen with our whole heart and end the era of the great poisoning.

By the way, this is serious hard-to-find genius regarding one type of chemical injuries: https://mysticbroadcast.net/boyd/benzene.html I'm constantly working to get poisons out of my body. We are what we absorb. Vastly harder to get things out than it is to protect the body by never putting things in that don't belong inside our bodies.

Many blessings from one 'canary in the coalmine' of chemicals in Hawaii!


PS, if you haven't seen the documentary "Poisoning Paradise" it's well worth it. The chemical companies weren't satisfied poisoning Vietnam, they dressed up their program and poisoned Hawaii, and still are. Let me know if you can't find it. Great wisdom, lessons, and quotes throughout. We need to change the laws and remove the corporate veil so that any company that poisons things the law can seize the CEO and board's personal assets. They won't stop until the hurt they dole out bites them back with severe hurt.

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We seem to be addicted to pesticides or at least act like it.... Regenerative farming takes care of weeds and protects the soil biome. If we don't stop this addiction famine will be coming even without the WEF Agenda 2030 agenda. Regenerative farming doesn't make corporations any money, but by the end of the year with the fall of the Federal Government perhaps it can take a few Chem-Ag corporations with it.

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Excellent article, Brucha! I am sharing it with moms, teachers, doctors and everybody else!

superb work as always! Thank you for your your hard work and love of mankind!

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Thank you, Brucha! The information you took the time to compile here is tremendous! 🤗

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Regarding Dr Seneff's quote:

“There are strong correlations between the rise in glyphosate usage in the US and the rise in multiple neurological, oncological, autoimmune, and metabolic diseases.”

There are also correlations to the following:

Increase in vaccines since the 1986 Act

Increase in PUFA consumption

Increase in numerous environmental toxins such as forever chemicals, lead, mercury, cadmium, etc.

All of the above are contributing factors that should be avoided as much as possible.

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Thank you so much for the research you did and the information you impart.

I’ve been saying for a long while now that it’s our death by any and all means possible. We are the useless eaters and expendable and have been being exterminated for decades by all angles. All the agencies that are meant to protect us are all in on it.

The way out is spreading the knowledge as you and so many on Substack are doing. Knowledge is power and the pen is unequivocally proving it is mightier than the sword.

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They have been spraying conventional food with this garbage for DECADES....local and organic when you can. Its been my go to since I discovered this in the late 90s early 00s.

Grow your own!!!

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Great article. Getting rid of GMO Farming and Glyphosate is one of the planks of the Anti-Globalist "Put People First" Agenda.

In my version of the Garden of Eden one should always be encouraged to eat from the tree of knowledge but should never meddle with the tree of life as that is above the pay grade of ANY human: past, present or future. Think of the sorcerers apprentice and all the unanticipated problems his meddling created. Those of us that understand the complexity of the global ecosystem tend to abide by the precautionary principle. The globalists have the audacity to think they can meddle with the Tree of Life with no consequence. They they seem to abide by the "Let's just do shit and see what happens" principle. I can't seem to find an antonym for the Precautionary Principle.

Our globalist corporations have obviously ignored this warning as GMO farming began/expanded in the early 1990's. Using CRISPR and other cutting edge technologies they have meddled with the tree of life: terminator seeds, plants that produce insecticides (which we eat), spraying plants with Glyphosate etc. Already it is clear these technologies are causing harm to human health. Then we have fluoride in the water supply, endocrine disruptors, PFAS chemicals etc., in or food and water. None of this makes sense and represents a willful refusal to consider what our collective knowledge (e.g., the tree of knowledge) should be telling us about the harm these substances unleash on the human population. But is goes on unabated because global corporations can profit in the short run.

Then came the Plandemic and the mRNA vaccines the did not prevent infection/transmission but did cause considerable harm and death. Worse yet there is growing evidence that these mRNA injections may actually be modifying our DNA and the consequences are just beginning to be understood. Of course this has all been ignored by globalist corporate media. And over the past year I have read numerous papers about self assembly nanobots within the vaccines and much more. I've yet to write about this subject as, at first, I was a skeptic. But perhaps it is time to cover the subject because there is plenty of evidence/papers etc. which suggest the globalists want to use mRNA concoctions in conjunction with 5G EMF radiation to control our moods and literally allow the government to get inside our heads. And thanks to the author for detailing the programs that are already underway.

It is now obvious that the WEF, UN, WHO etc. want full control of humanity. They aren't even shy about their plans: a Great Reset where you will own nothing (and really won't be happy at all). And it is all spelled out in Agenda21, Agenda2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). They have very complex plans to exert control of every human on planet Earth. Their goal is a fully controlled global population -- which will relegate every human to the status of a slave on a globalist plantation.

WE THE PEOPLE, of planet Earth, need to immediately unite behind our own complex agenda in order to stop this globalist coup. To that end I've put together what I call the "Put People First" agenda, which has developed over the past 5 years. I'm encouraging everyone to endorse this agenda and cite your support at City Council, School Board meetings as well as during protests. As Benjamin Franklin once said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence: "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Here is the PPF agenda as it currently exists:

* No Lockdowns EVER again

* No forced masking ANYWHERE

* No forced vaccinations under ANY circumstance whether that be from injection, food or chemtrails

* Absolutely no vaccine passports or digital currency

* Reinstate all of those that lost jobs for refusing to get the mRNA injection, including all of our Healthcare workers

* Universal non-coercive choice: Wearing a mask or getting a mRNA injection will be up to each individual and there will be ABSOLUTELY no penalty for not complying in or out of the workplace.

* No more censorship of ANYONE whether that be on social media, corporate media or at the workplace. No one should ever be censored or punished for exercising their First Amendment Right to Free Speech.

* Impeach Biden/Harris and reinstate Trump as our president.

* Stop the LGBTQ and CRT indoctrination in our schools and corporations

* Stop the Climate Agenda and make Energy Independence Priority Number One.

* Send every Illegal Alien, that Biden has brought in through Open Borders, back home.

* Stop the illegal mass imigration invasion worldwide

* Legalize the personal cultivation of Cannabis, Psilocybin.

* Legalize the right to take Ivermectin, Hydrochloriquine and other anti-viral herbs and drugs

* Legalize the right to choose when it comes to vaccines, abortion, drugs etc.

* Eliminate Genetically modified vaccines, plants, animals (fish, cattle etc.) and the use of Glyphosate.

* Eliminate the use of Geoengineering: Chemtrails, HAARP etc.* Eliminate the fluoridation of our water supply.

* Stop allowing Blackrock, and other financial institutions from buying up residential properties which will make it impossible for future families to own a home and build up equity.

* Demand your government defund and exit the UN, WHO and WEF



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Thank you for commenting. You included a lot of good points but you left out mention of G-d, the Creator of all life, against Whom the evil ones are really fighting. They want to destroy humanity and the wonderful natural order He has created in His infinite wisdom because they are in a war with Him.

So yes, certainly, the foundations of life itself are above the pay grade of any human, because that is His domain.

I do take great issue with your support of the “right” to “choose” abortion. That is no more of a “right” than the “right” to murder another already-born human being.

By the way, it should be very informative to notice that the proponents of abortion are the very same people and institutions who promote other forms of population reduction and war against G-d, such as poison shots, sterilizing “trans” surgeries, etc.

Please see this wonderful article written by a Rabbi, which I just came across by Divine Providence. He explains the Torah truth on when life begins, so beautifully. https://stljewishlight.org/opinion/choose-life-jewish-law-forbids-abortion-except-to-save-the-mother/

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