Yes! Pray people! It looks like we are in the Last Days. Satan may know his time is short. He is on a tear. The evil ones are in the middle of killing off as many people as they can. Pray.

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Shabbat Shalom Brucha

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An excerpt from The Concise Prepper Guide for Gog Umagog:

... Let's face it. No matter what you do, you're most likely doomed, especially if enough people set their sights on you.

But there is one other thing you can do to prepare.

14. Turn to God with sincerity and pray from the heart. Place your complete dependence on God to protect you from any and all threats. If you do this, you can almost entirely skip the previous steps.

This does not conflict with taking reasonable precautions against clear threats. By all means, don't leave your cupboards bare if you can afford to stock them. Don't wait until you run out of everything until you get more. Be intelligent and responsible. But don't go crazy. Don't go overboard. Don't make it an endless lifestyle of preparing for anything and everything. It's nothing more than a coping mechanism to give you the illusion of control when you really have none.

Seriously, do you really think you can prepare in material ways for what's coming? Do you really think you can outrun, outlast, and outsmart all those who seek to harm you, take your stuff, and make it impossible to survive with liberty?

Do you really think God will abandon everyone but those with the most food and resources?

So the best way to prepare for what is coming – really, the only way – is to realize from a deep place that you can't, and only God can save you. Then do whatever you can to get on God's good side to increase your chances.

This doesn't guarantee that you will be saved. We don't know when our time is or what God's plan is for any of us. But it's the only chance we have, and it's the only form of preparation that is guaranteed to benefit us no matter what happens.

That is enough. Rabbi Chananya Weissman https://chananyaweissman.com/article.php?id=314

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Prayer has gotten us where we are

When you count on outside sources to save you - you become impotent

That’s exactly what the powers of evil count on

Instead of praying maybe try thinking and acting

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To the contrary. LACK of awareness of and faith in G-d and prayer have gotten us to where we are. We are at a time when most people think they are the masters of their own fates, and that is the problem. We have no power - we must try and do normal things to be safe, but we can not control the outcome.

The more we recognize G-d, the more He will help us in supernatural ways.

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Except we’re not sheep. We’re humans, and G-d loves us, has requirements of us, wants the best for us, wants us to connect with Him, and He has a plan for humanity.

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I am a paid subscriber, every time I try to respond or comment I get told that my have to sign in. I am also trying to change my username to my email and I am not finding any way to do so. SUBSTACK has THE WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE of any platform in existence. As much as I love your substack I am considering not renewing. I am having this problem on other stacks as well.

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I feel really stupid but don’t know how to do this?

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On your phone (Android) go to Settings , similar on iPhone , look for Apps and after scrolling to Substack open the link to search for Storage and then clear Cache + Data for that App

If still stuck, find a computer / phone geek to do this for you !

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Same on iPad?

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I am not familiar with iPhone or iPad but there are forums such as on Reddit that can definitely help you navigate your way to achieve what I had suggested.

Hope that helps!

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Thank you 😊

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yes this was happening to me on @ReinetteSenumsFoghornExpress. She apparently let substack know and it has not happened since. Try your phone if it's the computer giving you issues, or computer if phone or app is the problem. 🥰

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It’s apparently my iPad. Maybe I should delete & reinstall the app?

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