Jun 24Liked by Brucha Weisberger

While my daughter was in high school she worked at a small daycare where she contracted whooping cough from an unvaccinated child. She was given an antibiotic and recovered just fine. When I was asked if I was upset with the parents of the unvaccinated child I said no. I was upset that my child’s vaccination for whooping cough had failed her. It was my false belief back then that she was protected from contracting this illness. Maybe the vaccine mitigated the symptoms or maybe it was simply because she was a strong healthy teenager. Either way it was an eye opener for me.

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Jun 24Liked by Brucha Weisberger

Very well done, thank you

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Jun 24Liked by Brucha Weisberger

Thank you

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My FREE Salt Water Cure for Bird Flu and Covid and any other virus:

3 minutes from preparation to job done: Mix one heaped teaspoon of table (or Iodine) salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the burning sensation goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don't have any burning sensation at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and it goes down the back of your throat, when infected there too.

I have been doing this simple cure for over 31 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be.

Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible AND THERE IS STILL CLEAN SEA WATER, TO USE INSTEAD.

Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure

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“What they did is, they said, ‘We’re going to inject into the arms of billions of people the instructions to turn each individual into a bioweapons factory’ … Every single person that took the shot became the manufacturer of a synthetic spike protein associated with the coronavirus model.

There are TWO elements to this Bio Weapon because the "Not natural mRNA - but ModRNA DNA synthetic, created in a laboratory and patented" has nothing to do with the "injected trillions of LNP viral vectors (or Carbon Oxide particles), does it"?

1) Biological Weapons: “The difference between this and everything that’s been done before is really simple.

Not natural mRNA - but ModRNA DNA synthetic, created in a laboratory and patented: there are two distinctions that are absolutely unique to the covid pandemic.

Number 1, we are actually creating the mechanism to instruct the body to manufacture a toxin …

Number 2, the response is actually a ‘hopeful’ response that failed to consider two very critical things: the lipid nanoparticle in which the shot is delivered actually is also a toxin … and then the worst part about it is that we introduced a thing called pseudouridine.”

Pseudouridine was published in 2018 to be a pro-cancer agent. What this means is that “it shuts down the body’s response to how we recognise tumours and suppress tumours,” Dr. Martin explained. Pseudouridine has been included in mRNA injections to stabilise the mRNA so it stays in the human body longer to achieve its effect, he said = MS40?

Dr. Masanori Fukushima, pointed out that “turbo cancers,” a kind “previously unseen by doctors” that progress extremely quickly and are typically in stage four by the time they are diagnosed, have started to appear after the jab rollouts. These “turbo cancers” are emerging along with excess mortality due to cancer in general, which Dr. Fukushima says cannot be explained only by lost opportunities for screenings or treatment during the COVID outbreak.

2) Weapons of Mass Destruction: Secondly there is the US Army Weapon which they are not telling anyone about, because it is a MILITARY SECRET. You don't want your enemy to know you can kill them with a 5G transmission, do you?

From Marc Giradots Substack post, those equate to:

50 billion viral vectors for AstraZeneca

40 billion LNPs for Moderna

and likely 10 to 12 billion for Pfizer

Due to a lack of good manufacturing process checks, there maybe a variable amount of intact messenger RNA in each LNP , “… but even if we agree to only 1 (modRNA strand), and that each one produces 1000 spike protein (due to the persistence of N1-methyl pseudouridine), we are talking your body having to deal with a minimum 30 trillion pathogenic spike proteins2 in a few months time”

When you say: 50 billion viral vectors for AstraZeneca 40 billion LNPs for Moderna and likely 10 to 12 billion for Pfizer I think there is a mistake by a factor of 1,000.

The Moderna contains 40*10^12 LNPs, to the best of my knowledge (Pfizer 12*10^12). This equates to 40/12 trillion in short scale. At first I thought you were using long scale (10^12=1 billion); however, that would not fit with the AZ numbers. AZ has 50*10^9, which would be 1 milliard in long scale. I believe these numbers to be correct (https://evolutionaryhealthplan.info/#_Ref83404023 )

"It is my thought" that the carbon particles are inert and that only by 5G transmission can they be activated, when the Trillions of inert Carbon Particles are changed into Carbon Hydroxide, which are minature razors, too small to see without an Electron Microscope, which in turn chop up your insides and inside your Organs shutting them down and killing you, possibly over 4 days and the reason for your new MAC address:

Find your MAC address with Apple: BT Explorer. Android: Inpersona - or both with Bluetooth.

SO - those behind these vaccines can implement them whenever they like and there is nothing we can do to stop them, except publish these bio weapons, their intention and hold those behind them to ransom - if you do this, we will do that to you, because we know who you are and where you live.

Thus the Great Reset was a huge success, because once in, the vaccine contents can't be taken out again can they?

President Trump declared a national emergency in March 2020, making the pandemic eligible for government action under the Defense Production Act.

President Trump said he invoked the Defense Production Act more than 100 times to facilitate Operation Warp Speed.

President Trump for the US Army, purchased Pfizer's vaccines on 21st July 2020. Trump was "the only person with the authority he gave himself", to be able to do that with his "Operation Warp Speed".

DOD-ATI-Pfizer-Technical-Direction-Letter-OTA-W15QKN-16-9-1002- 21 July2020 (7.86mb)


The Department Of The Army US Army Contracting Command – New Jersey Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey 07806-5000 for a Large Scale Vaccine Manufacturing Demonstration (Pfizer, Inc) for the total approved cost to the Government for $1,950,097,500.00

You will find Operation Warp Speed mentioned in that contract, in the 3rd paragraph down.

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What’s the pneumonia vaccine?

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We get seasonal influenza when our cells build up toxins; ingest/inject. We cyclically purge toxins from our body to bring the electromagnetic frequency (EMF) of our cells into balance with the changing EMF in our environment.


1) Seasonal Earth Tilt

Earth's axis-tilt changes the angular momentum of its electromagnetic field, which, via inductance, re-calibrates our weaker, cellular EMF. All magnetic fields are torroidal in nature. All cells have a weak electrical charge. The Earth has a magnetic field, which, via inductance, shapes the magnetic field of our cells, such as a strong magnet warps/re-aligns the field of a weaker magnet. Field Theory is not just hypothesis.

2) New EMF Tech

New, wide-spread EMF tech precedes all "pandemics"; an undeniable fact, which includes the COV-2 “pandemic” that started when Wuhan launched/activated the first city-wide 5G towers in China. When environmental electromagnetic frequencies/polarity change it causes, via inductance, the body to re-calibrate EMF/polarity on a molecular level, which triggers a natural detox process/cycle that brings cellular EMF of our cells into homeostasis with our environment.


• 1918: Spanish Flu - Ten million Bell system telephones were in service throughout the US by 1918.

• 1957: Asian Flu - Hong Kong television began May 1957

• 2003: SARS - From 2002-2003, 3G networks launched globally

• 2019: COVID-19 - Wuhan activated 1,580 5G towers mid-October, 2019. 5G deployed worldwide 2019.

3) Injected/Ingested Toxins

• Vaxx to Kill/Disable Billions Over 10-15 Years: https://talknet.substack.com/p/vaxx-to-killdisable-billions-over

• Vaccines are Catalysts for all Autoimmune Diseases: https://talknet.substack.com/p/vaccines-cause-autoimmune-diseases


• Vaxxed Biology Programmable via DNA Nanoantennas, Graphine, Luciferase, 5G. It Controls Gene Expression, Cell Signaling and Cellular Processes: https://talknet.substack.com/p/cov-2-vaxxed-biology-programmable

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