How can we trust a government and pediatricians who recommend 3 covid shots for every baby by 9 months of age?
How can we trust a government that killed its citizens with covid vaccine mandates for employees?
How can we trust a government and obstetricians that pushed covid vaccines for pregnant women with all their might even as they knew this was happening:
The majority of babies who died, passed away almost immediately after their mother’s covid vaccine:
There’s no way they didn’t know:
Harm to women of all ages:
The covid shot was not the establishment’s debut in harming expectant mothers. Since vaccines have begun to be given in pregnancy, they’ve caused women to lose their babies:
How can we trust an establishment which created, promoted, and injected those deadly products, and glibly lied about so many more, to now inject us or our kids with anything they make?
Open your eyes.
You have been deceived.
Choose wisely, going forward.
More information:
Childhood Shots:
Shabbat Shalom Brucha!!! Glad to see you back!!!
Again be careful with trusting alternative health too!! Even midwestern dr substack seems to enjoy traditional Chinese medicine which is Taoist and not to be taken lightly. That is bad stuff!! Turn to God first and foremost!