Steve Kirsch “serves papers” to an ACIP committee member, as both CDC and FDA REFUSE to look at data
FDA and CDC are criminal organizations who don’t care about our lives at all. They cause untold death and should be disbanded. Their members should be put on trial for crimes against humanity.
Steve Kirsch has done unbelievable work in bringing the truth to light.
In this post, I’ll bring you two of Steve’s articles in which he proves how each of the organizations charged with monitoring the health and safety of the injections going into Americans aren’t doing their jobs.
Here is (most of) Steve’s article about his very persistent and brave attempt at getting the head of the CDC’s outside advisory committee to see the results of the study on the safety of the covid-19 vaccines - which Israeli government had commissioned (and then hidden the outcome of.)
The head of the CDC's outside committee on vaccine safety does not want to see the safety data collected by the Israeli Ministry of Health
I finally got a response to my question to ACIP Chair Grace Lee about whether she wants to see the COVID vaccine safety data from Israel. She called the cops on me. I have the whole thing on video.
When you read this article, keep in mind the following:
It is critical that Dr. Lee see this safety information. It is an urgent matter of public health. Millions of people are being injured or killed by these vaccines, often permanently such as in this case.
All my previous attempts to get her to pay attention to this data failed.
After failing all reasonable methods, I tried a final method which is used by process servers for serving legal documents. Dr. Lee doesn’t work in her office at Stanford so the only place to serve her is at her house which is effectively “her office.”
That finally ended up working and I saw receipt of the message.
Nothing I did went above and beyond what a legal process server would have done.
I simply ensured that the right person was notified of key data and systematically escalated the methods used until the goal was achieved.
Ever since writing my article on the Israeli safety data on Sept 2, 2022, I have been trying to ask the head of the ACIP committee, Stanford Professor Grace Lee, if she wanted to see the data.
Surely, she would want to see this data. How could she not want to see the data? She is arguably the top vaccine safety person in the world outside of the CDC.
Dr. Martin Kulldorff wanted to see the Israeli data and he has similar credentials (Harvard Professor, formerly on FDA and CDC committees, highly respected in the vaccine community). But he has no active role in vaccine safety. It’s not his job. Yet he wanted to see the data since he’s in the vaccine field.
Unlike Dr. Kulldorff, it’s Dr. Lee’s job to be aware of the safety data for the vaccine. It’s her most important responsibility. If there is a single person in the world who would be most interested in seeing the vaccine safety data, it should be Dr. Lee.
Just to double-check my logic, I asked Martin why would anyone in an official position of responsibility on vaccine safety NOT want to see the Israeli data? He said, “I don’t know.”
So the default assumption is that Dr. Lee would want to see the data as well, just like Dr. Kulldorff.
Oddly, Dr. Lee didn’t respond to my respectful emails asking if she wanted to see the data. If she had responded either yes or no, that would have been the end of it. But I heard nothing.
I don’t give up so easily. So I texted her cell phone.
And that didn’t work either! Again, no response. She could have simply responded “no” and that would have been the end of it. Baffling!
Perhaps her text messages weren’t working? This happened to my AT&T phone recently where text messages didn’t work until AT&T reset my messaging.
I knew how important this data was to the world and surely she would want to see it but clearly my messages must simply be buried in all the emails and text messages she gets or something else was getting in the way. My question deserves an answer because lives are at stake!
It would not be right for me to give up at this point without trying every option at my disposal to get her attention on this matter.
Since she conveniently lives just 10 minutes from my house, I went to her front door and rang the doorbell. I waited and waited for her to answer the door, but nobody came to the door. So I left.
I’ve tried this multiple times. I guess I keep missing her. Darn.
Today I tried again. This time I waited because there was a light on inside the house. I waited about 20 minutes for her to answer the door. After all, she could be on zoom call, taking a shower, or doing something important like feeding the dog.
I just wanted an answer… “why don’t you want to see the data?” That’s it.
After around 20 minutes of waiting at her door, I gave up, went back to my car, and wrote a nice note asking if she wanted to see the data, and attached it to the hook on her front door.
The note said:
Dr. Lee,
Do you want to see the Israeli safety data? Please let me know yes or no. Lives are at stake. Steve Kirsch 650-xxx-xxxx.
Here’s the image of the note (the hole was where it was attached to the door hook):
As I was leaving, I was greeted by two Palo Alto police officers.
So I started my video camera to record the only proof of delivery I was ever going to get.
Clearly, she was at home and didn’t want to answer the door and have a friendly conversation about the scientific data that could save hundreds of thousands of lives.
She has a Ring doorbell. She could have said “Hello, who is there?”
But no. She chose to remain completely silent and call the police.
I guess that’s the way science works today: you are never supposed to actually speak with anyone with opposing views, even if they have lifesaving information not available elsewhere.
I handed the note I had put on her door to the officer and I saw him share it with her as I walked to my car. So the message was delivered for sure… by the Palo Alto Police!
So if she didn’t know already, she knows now why I was there and there is now a public record of the delivery to the officer.
And there was no call on my cell phone after that. This means that she was notified and declined to see the data, jeopardizing lives.
The bottom line is this: I went the extra mile to eliminate any possible plausible deniability excuse. Even if I had Fedex'ed the offer to see the data, she could say she never saw my FedEx. Now she cannot claim she never saw it.
Here’s the video of the incident:
(Click link to view)
So now I finally have closure. The answer is, “I received your message and no, I don’t want to see the safety data showing scientific proof that the vaccines are not safe and I’m not going to tell you why I don’t want to see the data either.”
Here is the article I wrote previously (based on Steve Kirsch’s post) about the Israeli data:
Next, here are excerpts from Steve’s article showcasing the FDA’s refusal to recognize and acknowledge glaring covid vaccine injuries for what they are, thereby causing more people to die:
FDA tells the vaccine injured: "Thanks for sharing"
Here’s the article on Trial Site News describing what happened when 20 vaccine injured went to Washington DC to meet with the FDA and members of Congress.
(Among them was Ernest Ramirez, who lost his only child, a healthy 15 year old boy, to sudden death shortly after his Pfizer shot.)
Basically, they thanked the 20 people for sharing their stories. From the article:
“The data is not sufficiently robust,” Dr. Peter Marks said repeatedly. “With these low rates, it’s very hard to know what you’re looking at.” The word “rare” was used, and, of course, the phrase “1 in a million.”
And then there was this: “That’s not to say we won’t continue to look.”
I have vaccine injury reports from over 1,000 people. They are sorted by number of symptoms from a list of 145 symptoms that I found are associated with COVID vaccine injuries. Stuff like:
Inability to talk
Bleeding behind my eyes
You know, stuff like that that you rarely see.
There is clearly a cause and effect here when you realize that most of these people are perfectly healthy before the shot (few if any symptoms from my list) and then suddenly develop 40 to 86 symptoms from the list. This happens to people vaccinated with the COVID vaccine over and over again.
My survey is not exhaustive; there are millions of vaccine injured. So for each case reported here, multiply it by at least 1,000 others with similar symptoms.
So there are an estimated 100,000 people in America with 30 or more common vaccine symptoms.
In addition to Dr. Peter Marks at the FDA, Dr. Avindra Nath at the NIH has been spending a lot of time looking for an association between the vaccines and side effects for more than a year. He still hasn’t been able to find an association.
Specifically, Dr. Nath at the NIH has been investigating vaccine injuries of more than 500 vaccine-injured people for more than a year and he recently told the press that he has not been able to find a link between the vaccines and injuries. I reached out to Dr. Nath for his reasoning, but he refuses to talk to me. Please read my article on Dr. Nath, a man who values his position at NIH more than the lives of millions of Americans.
I offered to share all my data with him, but he wasn’t interested. Maybe that’s why he’s not able to figure out the cause and effect here.
Here are some articles about Dr. Nath:
Shining light on the vaccine injured (Feb 1, 2022) summarizes Dr. Nath’s work.
The NIH now knows that the COVID vaccines can cause death 1 year from the vaccination date (April 25, 2022). Dr. Nath knows this person who died a year after his vax. The death was caused by the vaccine. The coroner confirmed it. But Dr. Nath doesn’t consider death a vaccine injury.
COVID vaccine victim? Meet Dr. Avindra Nath of the NIH (April 26, 2022)
My email to Dr. Nath at NIH asking him how long he thinks they can keep hiding the injuries (Aug 4, 2022)
For more information on the survey, the data, and the stories of the injured in the survey
The public records of over 1,000 vaccine injured people, sorted by # of symptoms. This database has extensive info on each of the vaccine injured including why they believe their injuries were caused by the vaccine.
The survey form that was used to collect the data, showing the 146 symptoms I asked about
The article about the survey entitled, “Know anyone who was injured or killed by the COVID vaccines? Please register them now.”
Marsha Gee, one of the most COVID vaccine injured people in the world who answered the survey. She developed 78 symptoms from my list. I guarantee you that all of her symptoms were pre-existing in the survey form at the time she filled it out. When I first saw her entry, I thought I was being pranked. I wasn’t.
May G-d open the eyes of the entire world to the truth, may the victims find healing and comfort, and may the murderers meet justice.
Links to Steve Kirsch’s original articles:
Now I have a whole new perspective when people ask, “How did the German citizens sit by while the holocaust was happening around them?”
In a twist of bitter irony, the people asking those types of questions are the ones that are covering up this genocide….
May G-d be with us and against our persecutors.