They have simply lied to us about everything.

This is clearly one more glaring example.

I've been eating properly, against their nefarious advice for years.

Excellent reporting on this Brucha !

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Basically if we start with the premise that everything we've been told is an inversion of the truth, we'll start well.

And the sun is good for us, and sunscreen is bad for us, and... well, you know.

I knew there was a reason I couldn't get enough butter!

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You had me at the first 2 sentences!!!

Of course, it makes so much bloody sense!! Looking back since 2020, which was all intentional, to murder and mame people... this additional level of sinister deception is not outside the realm of possibility.

We must never forget this dark time in our history; grow complacent only for this to have to repeat all over again. No. Never. No More. Where did the concept of PEACE escape to??!!

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👏👏👏thank you! I have in my world been teaching this for many years to whoever will listen. Thankfully I have a daily powerful pansystemic NATURAL anti inflammatory as you know that’s heart healthy in multiple ways. The truth shall prevail! Blessings to you Brucha

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Aug 7Edited

I've never subscribed to the "cholesterol is bad" nonsense.

There are plenty of people with extremely high "bad" cholesterol, but no arterial plaque issues. Yet, they are never studied.

The fact that scientists never wanted to look into anomalies (in their bad cholesterol theory) was the give away. It wasn't about science or actually trying to get answers, it was about maintaining the status quo. And pushing statin drugs.

Like so many things, there's always an angle. And it rarely if ever benefits everyday people.

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— T R U E — ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

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For years, back in the 80’s when high carb, low fat was all the rage, I couldn’t figure out why my grandmother was still living. She lived on a ranch, raised her own crops, had chickens, cows, goats and hogs and rarely went to a “grocery store”. They ate homemade sausage and bacon, eggs, gravy, cream skimmed from the top of her raw milk jug, and tons of fresh produce and home canned goods. My grandmother passed away shortly before her 100th birthday. She rarely had store bought food, maybe a cookie and a soda at the old fashioned soda fountain in her small town once a month. Now, all these years later, I KNOW why she lived that long!

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The critical issue is contamination of the food supply, by the deliberate introduction of toxins into otherwise healthy food by a variety of means, including mRNA injections for cattle.

Nonetheless, we should all take action to protect and restore our health by any possible means, with due regard for the information available to us.

I recently heard an alternative practitioner comment on the critical need for detoxification of the body to enable healthy outcomes.

Many cannot afford alternative health care, or even supplements, but we can all use readily available, inexpensive substances to detox as much as possible and choose the healthiest food we can afford.

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Nice writeup. I think the high PUFA diet that many of us are on is what is causing heart disease. And obesity. It lowers our metabolic rate and damages the body's repair mechanisms, causing everything from leaky gut to type 2 diabetes.


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Great article Brucha, when is part 2 coming? thanks

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Thank you Brucha

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My husband said to read the China Study by Dr Esselstyn

His method of Eat to live has. Saved thousands of lives with this vegan, no oil no sugar diet

Would love your feedback

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Campbell, the primary author of the China Study, HIMSELF wrote himself in ANOTHER paper he published two years before the China Study came out that "it is the largely vegetarian, inland communities who have the GREATEST all risk mortalities...." Campbell is CONTRADICTING himself. The whole point of the China Study was to promote the vegan diet and it is put into doubt because Campbell, the primary author states the complete opposite in another paper he also authored.

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Absolutely!!! Have said it for years!!❤️🐾🐾

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