The Destruction of the First Amendment, The Destruction of America: Silencing of Doctors and Reporters
Plus, the FBI is politicized and supporting a woke, anti-life agenda. The perversion of justice feels suspiciously like Sodom.
Several almost-unbelievable stories come together now and frankly, remind me of the Biblical city of Sodom.
In Sodom, justice was turned upside down. The Torah tells us that when Eliezer visited Sodom, he was attacked and made to bleed. He brought his assailant before the judge, who ruled that contrary to what you would have thought, Eliezer actually owed the attacker a fee for performing the service of bloodletting on him (bloodletting was a medical healing practice in ancient times.)
(Interestingly, there are quite a few horror stories passed down to us about Sodom in the Torah, for us to learn from. They did not allow hospitality or charity in their city, because they didn’t want to lose their money. If a poor person showed up and asked for help, the citizens of Sodom had a special coin they’d give him - which couldn’t buy anything in the city. The poor person would die of hunger, and then they’d take back their coins.
Lot, the nephew of Abraham, moved to Sodom. (Bad move.) He had learned hospitality from Abraham, and his daughter obviously learned kindness, as well. She saw a poor person who was starving and started bringing him food secretly. The people of Sodom wondered why the man wasn’t dying and started watching closely. They discovered that Lot’s daughter was sustaining him and they put her to death in an especially cruel way. Her cries reached the heavens and were the final straw for the people of Sodom. Their fate was sealed and G-d destroyed their city.)
Story #1 - At the request of the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, journalists may soon face prosecution for reporting on the horrors of child gender mutilation.
Story by Calvin Freiburger, Lifesite News
October 4
Top medical groups urge Biden admin to prosecute journalists exposing child ‘gender transitions’
The American Medical Association(AMA), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and Children’s Hospital Association (CHA) sent a letter Monday to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland urging the federal government to take action against journalists who raise awareness of gender transition procedures conducted on minors.
In an October 3 letter first highlighted by prolific “anti-woke” activist Chris Rufo, the three organizations start by requesting investigation of “bomb threats and threats of personal violence against children’s hospitals and physicians across the U.S.” allegedly driven by opposition to surgically or chemically mutilating children under the guise of so-called “gender-affirming care.”

But the letter soon reveals that the groups have a much bigger target in mind than criminal acts by fringe actors.
“The attacks are rooted in an intentional campaign of disinformation, where a few high-profile users on social media share false and misleading information targeting individual physicians and hospitals, resulting in a rapid escalation of threats, harassment, and disruption of care across multiple jurisdictions,” it claims. “Our organizations have called on technology companies to do more to prevent this practice on digital platforms, and we now urge your office to take swift action to investigate and prosecute all organizations, individuals, and entities responsible.”
The passage appears to be a reference to conservative pundit Matt Walsh’s recent exposé of Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s child-“transitioning” practices, which videos of VUMC personnel reveal are driven at least as much by profits as they are beliefs.
Following the report, VMUC deleted the transgender clinic’s website, and issued a statement claiming the story “misrepresent[s] facts” and stressing that all procedures were done with parental consent and insisting employees’ conscience rights are respected, but not refuting any of Walsh’s specific details.
Public disapproval of such “treatment” also compelled Oklahoma Children’s Hospital (OCH) to recently announce that the “OU Health Senior Leadership team is proactively planning the ceasing of certain gender medicine services across our facilities and that plan is already under development,” though it did not commit to stopping specific procedures by name.

Biological sex is rooted in an individual’s chromosomes and reflected by hundreds of genetic characteristics, and defying it in the name of subjective, fluid “gender identity” tends to carry significant physical and mental consequences.
Studies indicate that most children experiencing gender dysphoria outgrow it on their own by late adolescence and that even full “reassignment” surgery often fails to resolve gender-confused individuals’ heightened tendency to engage in self-harm up to and including suicide, by reinforcing their confusion and neglecting the actual root causes of their mental strife.
On top of those issues, experts outside the medical establishment further warn that surgically or chemically reinforcing gender confusion imposes irreversible harm on children such as infertility, impairment of adult sexual function, and reduced life expectancy, as well as the psychological toll of being “locked into” physical alterations regardless of whether they change their minds when they mature, as attested to by many individuals who “detransitioned” back to their true sex.
Under Attorney General Garland and President Joe Biden, the U.S. Justice Department and FBI have established a pattern of pursuing their political enemies under the pretext of combatting “extremism,” from non-violent January 6 defendants to peaceful pro-life activists to parents concerned about education curriculum.
Links to original AAP tweet and to their site, where you can find their letter:

Story #2 - California Governor Newsom signs Bill AB2098, criminalizing doctors who advise their patients regarding effective covid treatments which the CDC doesn’t approve of, or who discuss the risks of the covid vaccine with their patients.
Story by Katy Grimes for California Globe October 1
Gov. Newsom Signs Bill to Censor CA Doctors Accused of ‘Spreading COVID Misinformation’
Attorneys say AB 2098 is unconstitutional, violation of 1st Amendment
(Excerpts from article)
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB 2098 by Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Campbell), which will punish physicians and surgeons for “unprofessional conduct” for advocating for the potential benefits of early treatment with off-label drugs, or those who dare to ask questions about COVID vaccine safety.
Assembly Bill 2098 puts unconstitutional restrictions on free speech by medical professionals. Under AB 2098, doctors will be subject to disciplinary actions by the Medical Board of California and the Osteopathic Medical Board of California if they do not adhere to the “approved COVID treatment consensus.”
The Governor of the State of California is telling the state’s licensed physicians that when they are treating a Covid patient, they must remain in the lane of the consensus of the CDC or CDPH treatment protocols.
Laura Powell, founder of Californians for Good Governanceexplains in a June AB 2098 opposition letter:
“There is no question that the bill is aimed at restricting speech based on its content. As such, it would be presumptively invalid and could only be upheld if the government could prove that the law is narrowly tailored to serve a compelling state interest.
Which it does not.
Physicians would be punished simply for doing what they believe is best for their patients, sharing legitimate medical information necessary for their patients to make a true risk/benefit analysis.
The bill is aimed at physicians who acknowledged the 1% mortality rate, questioned mandatory masks, school closures, and challenged the claim that the vaccine would shield patients from getting or spreading Covid. It is also aimed at physicians who chose to prescribe therapeutic treatments during COVID.
“Censorship and criminalization are not the bulwarks of a free society,” attorney Leigh Dundas said at the AB 2098 protest rally Friday at the State Capitol. “The stark reality is if we are to remain a Constitutional Republic, then doctors must remain free to practice medicine.”
“Science and medicine are constantly evolving by challenging the status quo,” Dundas added.
And Dundas warned that if this bill to censor California’s doctors is allowed to stand, “guess who is next on the chopping block – the press.”
AB 2098 will punish physicians and surgeons for “unprofessional conduct” for advocating for the potential benefits of early treatment with off-label drugs, or those who dare to ask questions about COVID vaccine safety.
Does the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention decide “approved COVID treatment consensus?” Even CDC Director Rochelle Walensky recently admitted her agency’s failures during the COVID-19 pandemic during a message to her staff in August. ABC reported, “To be frank, we are responsible for some pretty dramatic, pretty public mistakes. From testing, to data, to communications,” Walensky said.
“We know there were a lot of problems with the CDC… if we speak out right now, we run the risk of losing our licenses,” Dr. Mazolewski said.
Notice that in Newsom’s last paragraph he obfuscates and outright twists the meaning of the bill around, pretending it will help patients get current treatment information.
Story #3 - FBI refuses to make arrests as over 70 pregnancy support centers are attacked. Politicized FBI protects pro-abortion terror group.
Story by Mary Zwicker, Lifesite News
October 3
Firebombed pregnancy center questions why violence by abortion backers continues to go unpunished
The FBI is 'choosing not to make arrests' of those involved in attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers.
CompassCare in Buffalo, New York sustained damage caused by radical pro-abortion extremists Jane's Revenge.
A pro-life pregnancy center firebombed by pro-abortion terrorists and now suing police for failure to return surveillance footage thinks that this may be an example of political bias on behalf of the FBI.
In an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Reverend James Harden, the president and CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services in Buffalo, New York, said the FBI has been vilifying pro-lifers instead of protecting them from terrorism.
“I know it sounds dystopian, but that’s exactly what’s happening,” Harden said. “We’re facing, essentially, a moral hurricane in our country. The FBI has gone from abdicating their duty to provide equal justice under the law to pro-life people like us, to downright attacking us.”
Harden said that there have now been over 70 attacks on various pro-life pregnancy centers in the United States, and yet not a single person has been arrested by the FBI for involvement in such terrorist activity.
“I mean, look, it’s naïve to think that the largest law enforcement agency on the globe, with the best forensic technology known to man, doesn’t know any, not a single person who is engaging in these attacks,” he said. “If it’s not the FBI doing it, they certainly know who it is and they’re choosing not to make arrests.”
“Jane’s Revenge is the abortion terrorist group, a pro-abortion terrorist group that’s taken responsibility for these attacks and they’re getting a pass,” Harden continued. “A pass.”
The reverend said the pro-abortion terrorist group is like “the Democratic Party’s new KKK,” which has set itself up against pro-life pregnancy centers.
“The new cross in their front yard is burning down pregnancy centers,” he said. “But instead of denigrating the personhood of black people, they’re denigrating the personhood of preborn boys and girls and anybody who seeks to stand up for them.”
Harden said that the pro-life pregnancy center filed a lawsuit against the Amherst Police Department in September for refusing to return their video tapes, and that they are currently amid litigations just to see their tapes. He confirmed that the excuse to not return the surveillance tapes was because it might inspire “right-wing terrorism.” He added that the police department is not only refusing to give them their tapes but also vilifying the pro-life movement without cause.
“The town attorney representing the police department went so far as to say, to characterize pro-life people supporting us as AK-47 gun-toting people going around bombing and killing people,” he said. “They’re vilifying us.”
Carlson said the facts in this case are “stunning to the conscience.”
“It’s utterly politicized law enforcement,” he said. “It’s the deepest level of corruption. It’s totally unacceptable. You can’t have a country run like this.”
Story #4 - Pro-abortion/anti-life Planned Parenthood organization promoting dangerous puberty blocking medication to kids.
Story by Tyler Durden for ZeroHedge
October 5
Population Control? Planned Parenthood Encourages Teens To Take Puberty Blockers
Why is Planned Parenthood so interested in trans identity politics when trans people are highly unlikely to have children (only 19%)? It's just another sign that the trans agenda is far more about population reduction that is about personal rights.
A recently unearthed infomercial made by Planned Parenthood last year is marketed directly to teens and promotes puberty blockers as a means to disrupt natural body changes in order to make teens “feel more” like the gender they believe themselves to be psychologically.
In other words, they suggest confused teens fight against their own biology by taking pharmaceuticals which are known to potentially cause chemical castration as well as permanent damage to reproductive processes. This is medically proven to occur, but with leftist politics now poisoning the sciences over the past few years there is a growing narrative that claims puberty blockers are “safe and reversible.”
The claim relies on the use of “unknown quantities,” as there is very little data on the long term effects of puberty blockers in the MAJORITY of people who take them, and in some cases short term usage means POSSIBLE reversal and limited damage to fertility. Advocates for gender affirmation surgeries and hormone therapies will often say that there “is no proof” that puberty blockers are dangerous – This is because of limited studies and data, not because the chemicals and therapies have been proven safe.
In other words, gender activists argue that you can't prove that puberty blockers are NOT safe for everyone. While this is medically disingenuous, it's true that we have no idea what the negative consequences of widespread gender treatments will be 20 years from now. But why take the chance in the first place?
Why allow mentally underdeveloped children with impulsive tendencies to undergo potentially permanent and damaging medical procedures? Why let them destroy themselves in the future just to make them “feel better” today? In the meantime, the data that does exist shows risk of fertility damage depending on length of use.
Furthermore, the primary rationale for the use of puberty blockers and affirmation surgery is to improve the mental health of the individual patient. Yet, we can use the same conditions as the gender activists here by pointing out there there is little proof that such measures actually help the mental health of people with gender dysphoria.
Planned Parenthood from its very creation by elitist Margarate Sanger has made population control its primary mission. As Sanger once stated:
“The most serious evil of our times is that of encouraging the bringing into the world of large families. The most immoral practice of the day is breeding too many children...The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”
From “Woman and the New Race,” 1920, Chapter 5: The Wickedness of Creating Large Families
Sanger was an avid supporter of the “Baby Code” in 1934, which would have required married couples to get a permit in order to have a child, and the government would determine if the couple was “fit” to raise a child. Her contentions are recorded in her article “America Needs a Code for Babies,” March 27, 1934, Margaret Sanger Papers, Library of Congress, 128:0312B
The trans agenda along with puberty blockers and affirmation surgeries seem to be a natural extension of the population control goals of the founders of Planned Parenthood. Therefore, it's not at all surprising that they would become so involved in the issue.
Every one of these stories makes your head explode. How did we as a species get to this point? Have we learned nothing? To think that the AMA wants protection so that they can continue to mutilate children & create a new money making niche for surgeons & endocrinologists is revolting. Whatever happened to ‘do no harm?’
Governor Newsom is a psychopath, dictator whose time hopefully is coming to an end in California. He has led California to the brink of catastrophe & there is only one positive hope. That is the New California State. I think it’s the one bright spot on the very near horizon. Newsom, thankfully will be ruined. New California will be a Constitutional Republic model for the rest of the nation & the world.
The FBI should be dismantled ASAP. Planned Parenthood also.
Something good has to happen soon or I think G-d will have to rethink saving humanity a second time.
The possible less-dark, if not bright, spots, are these,I believe:
1) the mid-term elections are about a month away and approaching, and there is significant reason to believe and hope that pro-American candidates will substantially win in both houses of Congress, “iym yirtzeh Ha’Shem “;
2) if not, or if the corrupt festering sore in District of Criminality continues it’s depredations, one may expect a national uprising in actual fact, to remove the left-fascists from power, beginning in a few areas of significant patriotic populations and spreading therefrom.
There has even been revival of proposals for State /Regional compacts to reverse Federal laws and to emphasize reliance on the 9th and 10th Amendments, along with open talk about Secession.
So, we may hopefully be seeing either a peaceful improvement in our status, or, if regrettably necessary, a less-peaceful return to Constitutional principles as evinced by our G-d fearing Founders.
Have faith , be courageous and strong!
May you and yours have been Sealed for a good year!
Moshe Aharon ben Shimon Zerg