Answers to those who still think the vaccines are safe and the government is “here to help.”
This is a collection of my responses to pro-vaxxers on a blog.
I had plans to write on a different topic today, but G-d apparently wanted otherwise.
After I posted an important article on a NJ community blog, there were strange comments by a person who clearly has an axe to grind (i.e. apparently some personal reasons making him antagonistic to acknowledging any truth on covid topics.)
I spent a long time replying - for the sake of everyone else reading the blog, because I know that many people don’t know where to find good information. I didn’t want them to be left with potentially deadly untruths. If people don’t fully understand that they took poisonous shots or gave them to their children, they certainly won’t be taking any detox and anti-clotting products - and they might even take another booster. So it’s is a matter of life and death for people to be aware of the truth.
Afterwards it occurred to me that these answers could also be useful to others, so I’ll share them here. (I’ve edited and added some more information.)
• Claim: Death rates haven’t risen since the vax rollout.
Answer: Death and disability rates have exploded since 2021. We know this from multiple sources: Life insurance claims, disability claims, doctors’ testimonies, funeral directors’ testimonies, paramedics’ testimonies, casket makers’ testimonies, ordinary people who see what’s happening in their own circles of friends, and much more. Of course, the government isn’t eager for you to find this out. Here is just a sample of links:
Sharp rise in disability:
Funeral director:
1,312 young athletes already died since vax rollout:
By the way, this is new and very important:
• Claim: “The number of stroke and cancer patients did not go up.”
Answer: Tragically, untrue.
My information comes from doctors and nurses who are seeing the fallout with their own eyes, such as an ER doctor in NY who has seen an explosion in strokes and cancers, including in young people, since the vaccine rollout.
In fact, while my extensive interview with him was last summer, when I texted him today, things are just as bad. He highlighted blood clots, heart failure, and turbo cancers in people in their 40’s and 50’s.
Regarding cancer from the shots - we KNOW at least some of the reasons why it’s happening.
And see this:
Oh and by the way, for all those still trusting in Pharma and the FDA. The fraud did not start in 2020. It’s been decades of deceiving and killing the American people for the sake of profit:
• Claim: “Grifters” are making up information about vaccine-caused deaths and injuries. (I found this a particularly odd accusation.)
Answer: I am curious how one can possibly claim that “grifters” are creating this entire vast body of information. What is the logic? Which mega-corporations are profiting from exposing this data?
I have given the proofs for hospitals, doctors, and Pharma making their billions on the shots. I’ve given proof of the ocean of deaths and injuries.
What is the proof that all this data isn’t true, and it’s all made up for profit? How is that even possible?
• Claim: “I worked in a vaccine clinic and only saw one serious adverse event out of thousands of shots given.”
Answer: This is missing the point. The covid vaccine is more of a long-acting poison. It was never claimed that a large percentage of people die on the spot. Rather, serious effects can be seen anywhere from hours to days to weeks - or even months or years later. For example, some people developed myocarditis or died suddenly a couple weeks afterwards. Some people are diagnosed with cancer several months later. Young people who had a covid shot even a long time previously have been suddenly dying. All of these are known adverse effects of the covid shots with known causative mechanisms. A person working at a covid vaccination site does not follow the vaccine recipients afterwards and know what transpires later on in their lives.
Here you can see some real information:
Go to and search VAERS for the covid vaccine deaths. There are over 35,000 reported there to date, and studies document that only a tiny percentage of the deaths and illnesses actually get reported to VAERS.
Every highly-vaxxed community that I know of has seen a rise in illness, including sudden death, heart attacks, and strokes among young people, may G-d have mercy.
A huge collection of case studies:
• Claim: “The vaccine hasn’t affected fertility.” Answer: Patently untrue. See documentation here of the plunging birthrate in many countries worldwide - starting 9 months AFTER the shots were rolled out to the younger population. And only getting worse.
It’s not only women’s fertility which is harmed.
• Claim: You want me to believe that (certain famous vax-promoting doctor at major medical center) actually got a kickback for every vaccine given?
No. It was never claimed that such doctors received a payment for each shot given.
(Although, my understanding is that the providers who gave the shots or who owned companies which contracted with the government to make vaccine centers, did get paid per shot.)
But in the case we’re discussing, the doctor’s hospital received tens of millions of dollars in “covid money” from the government, under the CARES ACT, the American Rescue Plan, and funneled through the state and city governments. This money was given for a purpose. It was like a huge bribe.
The condition for at least part of the money that the CDC handed out was that the recipients promote and administer the covid vaccines, and document that vaccine uptake in the communities they served was indeed increasing. In other words, they had to prove they were doing what the government said to do with the money, and it was having the effect the government wanted - or else they would lose the grant. This is clearly laid out by the CDC here:
• Claim: “Ivermectin doesn’t work.”
Answer: You mean the fraudulent, manipulated studies, such as the “TOGETHER” trial, sponsored and run by Bill Gates affiliates and others connected to Pfizer, J and J, etc. It is very easy to design a study and to fudge data to get the results you want. For example, you start treatment late and give too little. You also pretend not to know that the control group is likely ALSO using ivermectin (available over the counter in Brazil, where the trial was run.) Voila, you have “no significant difference” between the treatment group and the “control” group. These corporations ran the studies for the sole purpose of disproving ivermectin as an effective treatment, so that the vaccines would be “necessary,” and so the dangerous and ineffective (but super pricey) Paxlovid would be accepted.
Ivermectin is GENERIC. The patent is expired. It can be produced by any company, and it can be gotten almost for pennies from India. No one can be making a fortune off of it.
And any of the informed doctors who have used it in the proper doses and with the accompanying protocol to treat patients KNOW it works VERY well - as do the grateful patients who often start feeling better within a day.
Here, I wrote last year about the faked ivermectin trials:
For a thorough history of how ivermectin was suppressed at a cost of millions of lives, see Dr. Pierre Kory’s substack. He is a top world ICU doctor, and he lost his job because he was insisting on saving his patients’ lives with ivermectin, the medicine he saw was working - but that went against the hospitals’ orders from higher up.
• Claim: I am “full of hate.”
Answer: That one is funny. What I “hate” are lies and greed which kill people. I try to uncover the truth so that people can access lifesaving treatment and stay away from products which have been shown to cause death and illness.
They are still at it - this is up on the IDSA website now:
Yes, even with the explosion in information about the harms caused by the shots and how ineffective it is - they’re still keeping up with the lies. The chutzpah is really hard to believe.
May G-d open the eyes of everyone in the world to the truth.
Please never back down. You wear the truth so beautifully.
Thank you so much!!!!!!
Never took the jab. Warned others, even begged ...... but some did it anyway. I worry about them. I love them so much.