Sitemap - 2024 - In G-d’s Army There’s Only Truth

SHOCKER: A list of Killer Drugs that were FDA approved

30 Questions For an mRNA Shot Straddler

Our Lives Depend on Not Trusting Medical Establishment/Gov’t Anymore

Part 3: The FDA's War Against America's Health

Part 2: The FDA's War Against America's Health

The FDA's War Against America's Health, Part 1

The Elite’s Witch Hunt: Smearing those who advocate TRUE SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY while Protecting Big Pharma Interests

Part 3 Real Hope for Cancer - Valasta Testimonials


The Great Blood Pressure Scam and the Dangers of Blood Pressure Medications


SAY NO to the POISON APPLE, “Prop 1” in NY State - an outrageous attempt to amend the Constitution to change society as we know it.

My Talk in Harlem Last Week, and the Child Victims of Fauci’s Sadistic Tortures

Rally Against CDC Pushing Covid Shots to Babies! This Thursday in New York

Why Do All Vaccines Cause Harm? Exploring a foundational cause of disease, and the reason all vaccines are so dangerous: Blood “sludging”

Flu Vaccines: All Risk and NO Benefit

A Response to CDC Cruelly Promoting Covid+Flu Shots for 6 Month Old Babies

New York City Residents are Under Attack: They're Spraying People With Pesticide Poisons!

How Much Damage Have Vaccines Done to Society?

Most people think the smallpox vaccine stopped smallpox. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Treatments for Pancreatic Cancer, Colon Cancer, Glioblastoma, AND other Cancers: Very Important findings

The Wildly Unreasonable Toxicity of Plug-in Air Fresheners: Venom in the Sockets

Debunking The China Study Myth

Part 2: The Great Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Scam /The Deadly Dangers of Statins

The Great Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Scam: What are the TRUE causes of heart disease?

Unsafe at ANY age: Three stories of disability/death in children receiving vaccines at 18 mos, 5 yrs, and 1 yr of age

Fluoroquinolones - The antibiotics that can cause severe and permanent disability. Adverse events can happen years after use

Childhood Vaccine Injury - 2 year old Faith suffered a vaccine injury after routine MMR vaccine injection

EXPOSING the CLIMATE CHANGE SCAM, the bedrock of their evil plans

The Rockefellers created 990 "Climate Change" institutions, foundations, and activist groups

Breaking News: Godfather of Vaccines, Stanley Plotkin, Admits They Have Never Been Properly Tested

THIS is what DTaP Vaccine Did: 4 Month Old “Sudden Death.” Parents, Be Forewarned!

Dermatology's Horrendous War Against The Sun, and the True Origins of the American Medical Association

“Brain Dead” is NOT Dead! LIVE people are murdered daily for organs and to “save money”

Deconstructing the LIES: Refuting the propaganda for maternal Tdap vaccination

The Horrific Tragedies Caused by Antidepressants (SSRI and SNRI Medications)

Beating Stage 4 Cancer With Repurposed Drugs: Read how this man cheated death! Many others have done the same.

Breaking: NEW study shows that MORE vaccines make your child MORE likely to get sick

Aborted Fetal Cells in Vaccines (what this REALLY means is, babies were born alive & organs removed while they were alive to get these cells, murdering them, YES IT’S TRUE)

What’s really in childhood vaccines? And, did you know that DTaP vaccination puts your child at significantly higher risk of Sudden Infant Death?

Playing God: An Investigation Into Medical Democide in the UK

We Now Have Proof The COVID Vaccines Damage Cognition

Harming the Most Vulnerable: Testing Reveals High Levels of Toxic Heavy Metals in Baby Formula, and Toxic Chemicals in Gluten-Free Foods

What Happens When A Doctor is More Dedicated and Righteous than The Wicked System wants him to be? The awful reality of doctor suicides

100 Kids Age 16-19 Died Suddenly in recent months, 7yr old girl collapses walking to school, highschooler, 15, goes into cardiac arrest playing football, FedEx driver collapses after ringing doorbell

UPDATE 4: What Happens When An Elderly Woman Rejects The COVID "Vaccine" From A Prominent NYC Doctor?

Shocking: Police Detective Now Facing Tribunal in Canada for Investigating Sudden Baby Deaths After Covid Vaccine Rollout

Seven conditions with massive ongoing excess mortality in all four states we have death certificates from

BREAKING PUBLICATION--Excess Cardiopulmonary Arrest and Mortality after COVID-19 Vaccination in King County, Washington

My free-form comment on a climate change survey in my community

It's Time To Stop the WHO's Horrific Pandemic Treaty: Urgent - the vote is NEXT WEEK

NO WONDER they tried to KILL HIM: Watch Slovakian PM’s stunning talks against the WHO, vaccines, covid testing:

The X Files: A Primer on the Next Plandemic

Exclusive interview with Dr. James Thorp OB-GYN: Severe harms the Covid vaccine has caused to women and babies, and the BRIBERY behind the mass vax

Preparing a Pandemic

Attempted Assassination of Slovakian Prime Minister who ordered inquiry into Covid Vaccine Deaths

Great News: NYS Minor Consent Bill is Now Dead (Thank G-d!)

Cattle Lockdowns? You won’t know whether to laugh or cry when you read this STAT News article.

Connect the DOTS: HOW many ways are they trying to KILL US?

Atrazine: The poison hiding in plain sight 🤢

WHO Chief Scientist Smilingly Expresses ‘Huge Concern’ Over Fake Bird&Cow Flu ‘Outbreak’ in Michigan; State Orders Biosecurity Measures: Do you smell a RAT?🐀

Obstetrician Dr. James Thorp expects to see a tidal wave of lawsuits for Neonatal harms, Birth defects, and stillbirths after COVID-19 shots to pregnant mothers: The data he presents is staggering

Fluoride: Is it actually POISON ☠️?

How to fight the horrible NY Bill A6761/S8352, (Minor Consent Law) which will be voted on anytime very soon: Here are the legislators’ contacts!

“Roundup”/Glyphosate: The Poison Sprayed on Our Food - Is this a major cause of widespread brain fog, infertility, pregnancy loss, cancer, and much more?

Covid Shots and Cancer: It’s REAL.

The battle for our children’s very lives

Childhood Vaccines - 6 month old Liam received 5 vaccines (Hep.B, DTaP, Polio, Rotavirus, Pneumococcal) and died within hours of vaccination


Why NOT get the measles shot?

Exposing another humongous fraud: On dinosaur bones, 🦴museums, 🏯the United Nations, and evolution

TOXIC & EXTREMELY DANGEROUS Diabetes/ Weight Loss Drugs: Ozempic, Wegovy, Rybelsus, Mounjaro, and more

Who has the truth in the debate on childhood vaccines? You be the judge!

A Wide-Ranging Collection of Irrefutable Evidence: The Grave Harms Caused by the Covid Vaccines

The MultiHeaded Enemy, Revealed as 1 Evil Global Force Behind Every Current Insanity: “Woke” is repackaged Marxism, an unimaginably evil cult, viciously seeking world control.

Recording of Dr. Richard Urso MD’s Effective Cancer Treatment Conference, March 17

Incredibly Dangerous Drug Once (Fraudulently) Approved for as palliative for advanced cancer - Now Routinely Used for IVF, as puberty blocker, and much more.

Cancer Treatment Conference this Sunday March 17 with Dr. Richard Urso MD on zoom, G-d willing. Doctors, patients, and loved ones all welcome.

An Open Letter to the Establishment: YES, You HAVE Lost Our Trust, and won’t be getting it back.

March 2024 Updated Protocol for Covid Vax Recipients, Long Covid, Shedding.


Do you want your children to belong to the government? INSANITY: NY Assembly Bill A6761 strips parental rights; children of any age could get surgery, meds, shots without parental consent.

How We Can Stop The WHO's Horrific Pandemic Treaty

Dear Mommy, PLEASE don’t give me the new RSV shot. Love, Your helpless trusting newborn

Part 2: Remdesivir and Paxlovid: Two dangerous and ineffective “covid treatments” which are shockingly STILL being used - and which you should absolutely REFUSE

Remdesivir and Paxlovid: Two dangerous and ineffective “covid treatments” which are shockingly STILL being used - and which you should absolutely REFUSE: Part 1

Part 5: Scientism: The Rise of a Deadly New Religion - Will the World Wake Up?

Part 4: Scientism: The Rise of a Deadly New Religion- With No Questions Allowed!

Four Years In – A Survivor’s Reflections on the Greatest Psychological Warfare Operation in History: Read this to learn their tactics!

If you are pregnant and have EVER been covid-vaxxed (or your husband has been), please read this!

Part 3: The Rise of a Deadly New Religion and its Crusade to Eliminate Non-Believers

Part 2: The Rise of a Deadly New Religion and its Crusade to Eliminate Non-Believers

The Rise of a Deadly New Religion and its Crusade to Eliminate Non-Believers: Part 1